“That was exhausting. I think I’m ready to head to bed and sleep until tomorrow,” Jessica says with a tired groan. She tiredly staggers, and I grab her hand, twining her fingers with mine. When she regains her composure, I know I should let her go, but a part of me stubbornly refuses, so I hold on to her hand. She doesn’t pull away either, and we continue to walk down the street slowly.

“Those kids are fireballs,” I comment, ignoring the irregular beat of my heart.

“I’m certain they’re on a sugar high or something,” Jessica answers. “There’s no way they run that fast and don’t get tired. Yep. They must have some type of secret.”

I laugh, shaking my head fondly as I remember the kids again. It must be beautiful to have kids. Little bundles of excess energy that spread joy wherever they go.

Where did that thought come from? I’ve never thought about having kids before.

“Have you ever thought about having kids?” Jessica asks, looking up at me.

I gape at her, now convinced she has some magical powers or something. “Not until today.”

“Me too.” She murmurs. “If all kids are like those, I don’t think I would mind. They were so cute.”

We talk about kids a little more until we get to Jessica’s house. I walk her to her stairs, finally letting go of her hand.

“Thank you for another informative lesson,” she says, stepping up the porch. “I’m sure I’ll crush it with Rick; he won’t know what hit him.”

At Jessica’s words, something hits me, and unlike Rick, I know what it is. However, I force a smile. “I’m glad I can help. I’ll see you tomorrow?”


I’m about to turn away when something piques my curiosity. I decide to ask the question anyway and chalk it to the list of bad decisions I’ve made today.


“Yes?” She turns to me, her hands hovering over the lock on the door.

“Are you interested in anyone else, aside from Rick?”

Her mouth falls open, and she looks away from me for a moment. “Uhh – no one, actually. Just Rick.” Then she smiles warmly. My heart swells with an unexplainable sadness, but I return the smile regardless.

“I’m asking so we know if there’s someone else to work on.”

“Nah, Rick is fine.”

“Sounds good.” I wave at her and turn away. “See you later.”

Chapter 21


Sean confuses me. Or maybe I'm the inexperienced one who is falling hopelessly for the charms of an experienced man. It just feels like there are moments where he's giving me bright green lights, and other moments it's a glaring red sign.

Are you interested in anyone else, aside from Rick? Sean’s question plays over and over. I was tempted to answer him with, Yes, Sean. I'm interested in you. But I know saying those words out loud would end our friendship.

I envision Sean's reaction to that confession, and how his instant rejection would devastate me. Sean could never be interested in someone like me, I possess nothing he would want or truly desire. Besides being the girl next door and his best friend’s sister, I’m just simple Jessica. Yes I write thriller novels and yes he enjoys them but he is much more of a rom-com guy. We’re just too different. We always have been.

I step out of the shower and pull on a pair of joggers and t-shirt before walking downstairs to continue writing. I sit on the island, ready to start, when my phone buzzes. I roll my eyes with irritation, see that it’s Rick and pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer with a bit of irritation.

"Hi, Jessica. Is everything okay?”

"Yeah, just trying to get some writing in and I keep having a bunch of interruptions. How are you?"

"Oh I’m sorry to intrude. I know you have a deadline so I’ll keep the call short. Just calling to confirm our date for tomorrow. Are we still set?"