I walk to Jessica’s door, refusing to rethink what I’m about to do. I’m following my heart, and it’s asking for more time with Jessica, so who am I to refuse? After our date three days ago, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. It’s like I saw a whole new side to her and I want to experience each individual facet with her every day. This is probably the wrong thing to do, especially since I’m the one who set up the whole Get Jessica A Man plan. I didn’t think I would want to be that man.
Now, Rick has asked her out, which signifies a successful mission, and yet, I’m getting in the way. I step onto Jessica’s porch, giving myself one final moment to walk away and pretend like I never thought about this. I remain frozen for a moment, then damning all the consequences, I knock.
“Coming,” comes the instant response.
I take a step back as the door swings open, revealing Jessica in jeans and a black shirt. “Hey,” she smiles at me. “What’s up?”
“Come with me,” I say, my heart beating wildly in my chest.
Jessica cocks her head, staring at me for a few seconds before smiling. “Do I need to change?”
I let out a shaky breath. “No. You look fine.”
“Okay, then. I’ll grab my phone.”
I wait by the door, and Jessica disappears into the house for a moment before reappearing and sticking her phone in her back pocket.
“Let’s go.” She shuts the door, slips the key into her jeans and falls in step beside me.
“Where are we going?” She finally asks. Jessica loves control and is never spontaneous. I know it took a lot of trust for her to say yes without having an actual idea where we’re headed.
“On a date.”
“What?” She stops in the middle of the street, her eyes wide.
I reach for her and drag her along. “It’s one final practice date before your real one with Rick.”
“But I’m not dressed to go on a date,” she whines. “And why are we walking?”
“It’s perfect walking weather,” I tell her. It’s almost evening, and the cool breeze is gentle on my skin. “Plus, we’re only taking a walk to the park. Nothing serious. Just to strengthen your conversational skills.”
“Oh okay. That’s a great idea.” She slips her arm through mine and leans against me. “If I’m going on such an evening walk with Rick, there’s no way we wouldn’t hold hands, right?” She looks up at me with a smile that rivals the sun.
“Look at you learning so quickly. I’m impressed, Jess.” I say, using all of my acting skills to maintain a nonchalant attitude, even though I’m feeling strung taut, my body processing each emotion as it runs through me. Jessica’s hands are soft in mine, and as she threads her fingers with mine, I want to take this moment and capture it so it’ll never fade.
“It’s been so long since I took a simple walk like this,” Jessica says, looking around her. She’s oblivious to everything I’m going through. “Thank you for bringing me out. The fresh air is perfect. I needed this break.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So, what do couples talk about during romantic walks like this?” She asks, making me chuckle at how adorable she is.
“What’s on your mind? Anything in particular?” I ask.
“Well, as Sean, I have lots of things to talk about with you. But as Rick, I’m blank. Help me out here.”
Her words cause flutters in my stomach even though they shouldn’t. She might like Rick, but she likes me more, even though it’s a platonic type of affection. Against my better judgment, I blurt out “As Sean?”
“Ah-ha.” She jumps in front of me, batting her lashes prettily. “So, tell me – Sean O’Connell, how come you don’t have a girlfriend?”
“Oh please,” I roll my eyes, grabbing her arm and pulling her along. “Ask me something else.”
“No. Please answer me. Come on. You can ask me anything.”
“Anything? Really?” I narrow my eyes at her, and she laughs.