“Can we have the shrimp cocktail, please?” I request.

“Coming right up.”

I uncork the wine and fill our glasses before handing one to Jessica. She gratefully takes it from me and sips.

“This is luxury,” she coos. “It’s so smooth it seems to melt on my tongue.”

I agree. The wine tastes good. The waiter arrives with our dish, and Jessica’s face lights up with joy. “Let’s eat.”

The food tastes fantastic, and as we switch from starters to the main course, I still have no complaints. After we finish some time between dinner and a bit of conversation, Jessica and I are ready for dessert. I love that she has a healthy appetite. I’ve been on dates with women who refused to eat any more than two spoons out of a meal that cost hundreds of dollars because they didn’t want to “eat too much”. While I understand that, I also love a woman that loves to eat.

By the time we’re done, it’s almost ten. I know it’s time to go, but I don’t want this night to end. Jessica is relaxed in a way that I’ve only seen her with Evie or Jamie. I’m enjoying this side of her, and truth be told I could stay with her like this all night long.

“Your date should always make sure you’re home around ten pm,” I tell Jessica. “Unless there’s a previous discussion as to why you’ll both stay out late or if you both choose to stay longer. Ideally, you should be home by ten.”

Jessica relaxes against the seat and sighs deeply. “I don’t want to go home. I’m having such a great time.”

Somehow, her words comfort me, and I chuckle, signaling the waiter to come with the check. Shortly after the check is settled, Jessica and I leave the restaurant and head home. The ride home is filled with a comfortable silence, with only a few remarks here and there.

“Home sweet home,” Jessica says as I pull into my driveway.

“Yeah.” I kill the engine and get out of the car to open the door for Jessica. She steps out gracefully, taking the arm I’m holding out for her. I walk her to the door, stopping as she unlocks it and then turns back to me.

“Thank you for tonight, Sean. It was such a great time.”

“Rick,” I correct. “Not Sean.” There’s a smile on my face, but it doesn’t go past the surface. Suddenly, a daring thought comes to mind, and before I can repress it, it’s out of my lips. “Rick might want a kiss,” I whisper. “What would you do?”

Jessica’s gaze falls to my lips and I take a step toward her, wanting desperately to grab her face and kiss her until we both can’t breathe anymore. We’re now standing so close, with no space between us. A car whips past, startling us both, and we jump away from each other in shock. What was I doing? I almost kissed Jessica! My best friend’s sister!

“That was just practice,” I say, regaining my composure. “When he comes close like that, you know he would love a kiss.”

“What if I want to kiss him?” Jessica asks, holding my gaze.

“Uh–,” her gaze is warm and open, but I know it’s all in my head. Maybe I drank too much wine. “You lean into him. If you don’t want to kiss, you step back.”

“Got it.”

“Good night, Jessica. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I turn and walk away briskly before I do anything I’ll regret. I’m almost at my fence when I steal another glance at her, only for our gazes to clash again. This time, I wonder, is it really my imagination? Or is she staring at me like she wants to kiss me? After a final glance and wave at her, I look away and continue to my door before I do something I can’t take back.

Chapter 19


I couldn’t sleep all night. It’s almost eight in the morning, and I’m sitting with my laptop in front of me, but I can’t concentrate. I can’t sleep, I can’t focus, and the only thing I can do is think about Sean. I’ve spent all this time thinking about Sean and wondering whether he’s feeling the way I am. Last night was amazing. If anyone had told me that I could have that much fun or feel that comfortable with Sean I would’ve laughed in their face. And yet that is exactly what happened. I’ve always had a crush on him which I’m a hundred percent positive has been unrequited. He’s probably oblivious to my growing feelings for him.

I leave the couch and walk into the kitchen in search of food. The cabinet is full, and there are a lot of ideas for breakfast, but I don’t have the strength to cook. I need a quick snack, and there’s nothing in the fridge. I run upstairs to change into jeans and a shirt before grabbing my car keys and leaving the house.

I tell myself that I’m just going over to Bake My Day to grab a snack and coffee, but deep down, I know I need my best friend. I’m overwhelmed by all of these thoughts and emotions; I need to talk about them. Maybe if I hear myself out loud, I’ll understand how stupid I am. When I get to the cafe, I order my food at the counter before making my way to Evelyn’s office.

She looks up as I walk into the room, and her smile uplifts my spirit a little bit. “Oh, look who’s here,” she cries. “Just the person I want to see.”

I set my food down on the table and sit. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes. I’ve missed you.” She smiles at me. “I planned to come over later.” She closes the lid of her laptop and turns her full attention to me. “What have you been up to?”

“Nothing much.” I munch on my breakfast sandwich slowly, aware of Evie’s eyes on me. She waits until I swallow.

“Really?” She asks dryly. “Spit it out.”