That doesn’t change anything for me because Sean is her brother, and it didn’t stop me from having a massive crush on him. Plus, I’ve been noticing weird tension between Jamie and Evie. Since I’m not the best judge of romance, I decided to let it go and not push Evie further. Evie drinks the entire bottle of iced tea and then flings it in the trash.

“I’ve hardly seen Jamie tonight,” she says to me. “But I met someone.”

My eyes narrow. “And that’s why you’re happy?”

“Umm hmm.” She nods, walking around the table to her chair.

The event is over, and we’re both waiting for Sean and Jamie to wrap things up and clear the bakery. It’s ten p.m, but my blood is thrumming, and my eyes are wide open.

“It actually was a wonderful time,” I smile at Evelyn. “I had lots of fun.”

“I saw you.” Evelyn winks. “You were such a social butterfly, Jess. I don’t think I saw a frown on your face once.”

I burst into laughter, my head lolling back at the shock in Evelyn’s eyes.

“You weren’t looking that closely then, but I did my best. Isn’t that what you all wanted? You were very adamant about it, in fact.”

“Yeah.” Evelyn laughs with me. “But I didn’t know you had it in you. I’m still surprised!”

Before I can defend myself, the office door opens, and the boys trudge in, looking tired.

“Is everyone gone?” Evelyn asks.

“Yep.” They nod. “We just have to close up and head home.”

Sean glances at me with a smile, and I smile back before I can stop it. The tension that I was holding in my body from the event evaporates and I feel myself relax for the first time since I got here. I haven’t seen him all night. Seeing him now is like a breath of fresh air. With a shock, I realize that I’ve missed him. Evelyn rises to her feet, and I do the same. We head to the front of the shop.

“It needs some cleaning,” Evelyn says. “But we can finish it up tomorrow.”

“I can help,” Jamie pipes up, and I arch my eyebrows as I glance at him. Since when does Jamie offer to help with chores?

“Thank you,” Evelyn says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.

“How do you intend to get home? I didn’t see your car outside,” I ask.

“We came together,” Jamie answers. “So I’ll drive her home.”

Again I can’t help but wonder if something is going on between them.

“Okay.” I hear Sean say and I let go of my thoughts of Jamie and Evelyn.

We wait idly at the entrance as Evelyn locks the door. Walking to the cars on the street, we make small jokes about the event.

“I’m glad you all had so much fun,” I say, trying to hide my smile.

“Be quiet,” Evelyn teases me. “You had the most fun.”

“That’s arguable. You also met someone.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, the happy ambiance around us changes. Evelyn’s eyes widen, and so do Jamie’s. Sean is walking briskly toward his car, oblivious to what is going on. I am also oblivious, to be honest; it’s not like I have any idea what’s going on with these two. Jamie glances at Evelyn, and she’s suddenly unable to meet his eye.

“Jess?” I hear Sean call and I look up to see him holding open the car door for me.

“Goodnight, Evie.” I hug my friend, then turn to my brother. “Goodnight, Jamie.”

“Goodnight.” He gives me a kiss on my cheek and I head over to where Sean is.

I slip into the car and immediately take off my heels. I’ve broken a lot of records tonight, and wearing heels this long is the most impressive one. Sean says goodbye to his sister and my brother, then slides into the driver’s seat. Now that we’re alone, there’s a shift in the air, and I become extra aware of him.