“At your service.”

“What kind of man does Jessica like?”

“Hmm.” Evelyn touches a finger to her chin and taps. She looks thoughtful for a moment. “Jessica is more attracted to the qualities of a man than his physical attributes. You know what I mean?”

“She doesn’t care about looks.”

“Yes and no.” Evelyn nods. “It means that the man you need to find needs to have depth and be attractive. But the depth is more important to her.”

“Don’t worry, Evie,” I laugh. “Just tell me the qualities she wants in a man.”

“Jessica wants a kind man,” Evelyn says. “A man who is willing to compromise and always puts her first. She also loves someone spontaneous. That’s what drew her to Dillon in the first place. She also—”

“Dillon?” A cold fist grips my heart. “Who is that?”

“Her last boyfriend,” Evelyn explains.

“Oh,” I remember overhearing her mention this name on my first day here, but now it seems like a big deal. “Why did they break up?”

“Because he didn’t want kids,” Evelyn answers. “So you might want to add that to the qualities she wants in a man. He has to love and want kids sometime in the future.”

“How long did they date for?”

“Uhh…three months, I think. Or four. Not for long, though.”

“Hmm.” I gaze at the desk, hating how my heart constricts at the mention of this Dillon. I can’t put a face to the name, and I already dislike him. You see, this is why I should find Jessica a man. This has to stop.

“Okay, let’s forget about Dillon. Let’s go on to—hold on before we leave this conversation. What did Dillon look like?”

“What?” Evelyn frowns. “Why does that matter?”

Oh, shoot. She’s right. But I’ll lie again. I can’t let her see right through me.

“So I don’t get a man that looks like him.” I shrug. “This is a small town, you know? The odds are high.”

“You’re right.” Jessica nods. “You’re right.” She grabs her phone and swipes across the screen for a moment before handing the device over to me. There’s a face on the screen, a fairly attractive face, with a fairly attractive smile. Okay, I hate him.

“Alright.” I hand the phone back to Evelyn. “Let’s move on.”

Evelyn nods.

“Now that I know what she likes, tell me what she doesn’t like. I know she doesn’t want a man who doesn’t like kids. What else?”

“That is a lot,” Evelyn says thoughtfully. “She doesn’t like a lot of things. Jess is very picky.”

“That goes without saying.”

“She doesn’t want a selfish, arrogant man. She doesn’t—”

“Evelyn,” I groan. “Please, give me substance. No woman likes a selfish, arrogant man. Be for real.”

Evelyn sighs and starts to pace. “Jessica is a little tight-lipped about this stuff. Everything I know, I found out by gleaning information out of her. But let me think…”

I wait patiently until Evelyn turns to me. “Okay, I remember she would always complain that Dillon was addicted to his phone.”


“Yes.” Evelyn nods. “At the dinner table, when they were hanging out, on dates, everywhere, he would always have his phone out.”