“Much?” I echo. “I’ve not written a single word.”
She gasps, and frowns, lines creasing her forehead. “Now, this is becoming worrisome. This is unlike you. I’ve seen you write six chapters in one night!”
I sigh again. It seems to be my favorite habit these days. “I don’t know what to do. I wish there were something.”
“We need to figure this out. I’d hate for you to miss your deadline. Mrs. Salman will not be happy about that.” Mrs. Salman is my agent, and I’ve tried not to think about her for days now because I don’t want to enter panic mode yet.
“I’m hungry.”
“What do you want?” Evelyn asks with a smile.
“You know what I want, don’t ask me.” I laugh. “Come on, let’s go eat some sweets.”
Evelyn shakes her head and leaves her desk to come toward me. I join her, and together, we leave the office.
Chapter 7
“Thank you so much for this wonderful dinner, Sarah,” Lenny Stewart says softly, smiling at my mother.
“Yes, thank you,” John Stewart agrees with his wife, covering her hand on the table with one of his. “It’s been so long since we had one of these get-togethers.”
“That’s why we decided to organize this,” my mom explains, a happy smile on her face as she regards everyone at the table. “Now that Sean is back, we’re almost complete.”
Lenny and John Stewart turn to smile at me, and I shift uncomfortably in my seat, returning their smiles briefly before turning away. I catch Jamie’s eyes, and he snickers at me. I discreetly give him a rude gesture.
“I’m sure you miss Liam,” Lenny starts. “How is he?”
“He’s not reenlisting and will be home in a few months,” Dad says. “We can’t wait for him to come home.”
“Enough of this melancholy,” Evelyn stands, commandeering everyone's attention. “We organized this get-together to have fun like we always do. We all know Liam. I’m sure he’s fine.”
Everyone nods.
“So let’s not get sad thinking about him, alright? Why don’t we play a game?”
“A game?” John echoes. “We’re too old for all these games that you young ones play,” he says.
“No one is too old for Trivial Pursuit,” Evelyn says. “Who’s in?”
“I am.” Jamie is the first to raise his hands, and I narrow my eyes because he’s not usually interested in games like this. I raise my hand, too, and so do all of our parents. I’ve avoided Jessica for most of the night, but when she doesn’t raise her hand, I’m forced to look in her direction, along with everyone else. She’s a vision in blue jeans and a baby blue shirt that compliments her skin and makes it glow. Our gazes clash, and she immediately looks away from me.
“Jess?” Evelyn calls. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry.” There’s a performative smile on Jessica’s face that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “I think I’ll just go and try to get some work in. I’ve been unable to—”
“Nonsense,” Lenny interrupts with a wave of her hand. “You will do no such thing, Jessica. We’re here to enjoy an evening with the O’Connells like we’ve always done. You’ll have time to work when you get home later.”
There’s a trace of determination in Lenny’s voice that doesn’t allow for arguments. Jessica is smart, so she doesn’t argue.
“Okay, Mom.”
“Great.” Evelyn claps her hands. “I’ll go grab the game from the closet,” she says. “While you all clear the table.”
As Evelyn disappears up the stairs, my mom, Lenny, and Jessica start to clear the table. I know the polite thing to do is help, but I’m trying to avoid Jessica for the night, and it’s been going surprisingly well. Once I get into it with Jessica, there’s no coming back, so I’m trying to steer clear. She’s too – fun to be with, to poke. But as they each walk into the kitchen with a handful of plates, I know it’ll be completely disrespectful to wait for them to clear the rest, so I get to my feet and help.
When I’m done grabbing the rest of the plates, I walk into the kitchen to see Jessica standing by the fridge, drinking from a can of soda. Mom and Lenny are talking as they walk out of the kitchen. My mom smiles and squeezes my arm as she passes. I head straight for the sink and start to wash the plates, anything to get my mind off of the girl standing a few feet away. I expect Jessica to leave the kitchen when she finishes her drink, but to my surprise, she approaches me instead. Inwardly, I groan and feel my body tense up.