Page 33 of Take You

“Who?” Kane looked at me as though I was a moron.

“Whoever filmed it and leaked it.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Oh no, you have it all wrong. We filmed it.” What the fuck is going on?

“But then how did it fall into the wrong hands?”

“There you go with all your crazy assumptions again. There are no ‘wrong hands.’ Or if there are, they didn’t have their fingers in this particular pie. Nope. This was all us. Fox and me.”

“What the hell?” I leaned heavily against the wall, largely to stop from falling over. “But I don’t understand. Why would you film it in the first place, and how did it get onto The Vine?

“Hmm... well, why film it is simple, DIY porn is the best kind. Haven’t you ever been on Porn Palace? It’s full of that real-life shit. We’re hot; you’re even hotter. We’ll be beating off to that footage for a long time to come, no pun intended. And as for how it came to be on social media, I would have thought that would have been pretty obvious by now. It’s not exactly rocket science.”

“It was you.”

“Bingo. Wow. I can see why they’re throwing that Fellowship money at you. You’re obviously not short of a brain cell or two.” The sarcasm wasn’t even thinly veiled. “Although actually, you’re not quite right. It was Fox, not me. Same-same, though.”


“Why?” He finished the sentence for me. I nodded, unable to form even simple words. “Hmm... why indeed?” The look on his face as he sneered the words at me was absolutely terrifying.

It was like he was a different person from the one I’d met up with, and then slept with a little over twelve hours previously. The way his features contorted with anger was downright scary. “All will be revealed in time, but for now, let’s just say that karma is a bitch, and she’s headed your way with a pitchfork in hand.”

As he stalked away, I was left a stunned wreck, slumped against the wall. What the hell just happened?

Chapter 19


“So how was she? I mean, how did she seem?” Fox was pacing the living room like a prisoner in solitary confinement.

I gave him a sidewise glance. While I knew and understood his motivations, and I was down to help him do whatever he felt he needed to do to get revenge or closure, or whatever, I couldn’t help but wonder if what he was doing was healthy.

Scrap that, I knew it wasn’t, but I was beginning to seriously question whether it would bring him the peace he thought it would, or if it was going to open a whole new and different can of worms that would only fuck him up more than he already was.

“I’ll tell you, but you need to chill the fuck out, and stop pacing first. Jesus. I know this is important to you, but you have to at least try to calm down. Seriously. This isn’t healthy.”

“Fuck healthy. Of course it’s not. Far from it, in fact. This whole situation is as fucked up as it gets. Healthy was never going to be an option; you knew that going in as much as I did. This is about karma, vengeance, and closure. That’s it.”

“Okay, well, either way, I’m not saying shit until you’re still. I’m getting motion sickness over here.” He stopped, just as I knew he would. His need to know what had happened outweighed his compulsion to pace the room. He stared me down.

“Okay, so I’m still. Are you going to tell me what the fuck happened, or do I need to drag it out of you?”

I raked my hands through my hair, unsure why I felt like tearing it the fuck out of my scalp. The sigh that escaped before I answered was involuntary and unexpected. “She was exactly how you’d expect her to be after walking into a room full of three hundred people all laughing at her expense, and pretty much pointing and jeering, while watching a video of her screwing two guys at once.” It sounded so messed up when I said it aloud like that. I guessed because it was fucked up.

“Unless she’s an Oscar-worthy actress, she initially didn’t seem to realize or register what was going on, while literally the whole room mocked her. Then someone approached her, and showed her their phone, and the color drained from her face. She raced out into the hall, looking green, so I guessed she’d gone to the bathroom, and followed her there.”

“Was your hunch right?”

“Yeah. She came out a little later looking absolutely terrified—she was anemically pale, and had that freaked-out deer-in-the-headlights look in her eyes. When I stepped out and spoke to her, she damn near shat her panties.”

“Good, then I’ve done my job. She’d better pace herself, though—I’m not even warmed up yet. If this is getting to her now, she’s not going to make it through unscathed, which of course, is my intention. Fuck that bitch.”

“Trust me, if the expression on her face this morning was anything to go by, she’s already terrified half out of her mind. I mean, you should have seen her when we collided in the hall. We couldn’t have planned it better. I mean, we did plan it, but obviously we couldn’t predict exactly what she was going to do, but it was textbook. And honestly, she looked green around the gills.”

“Perfect. Like I said, she’d better strap herself in for the ride, because this is just the tip of the iceberg. Shit’s getting a whole lot worse before it gets better. Wait. What the fuck am I saying? It’s never going to get better. The only way is down. So far down, she’s going to wish she was never fucking born, just like I wish she wasn’t.” I steely look in his eyes as he spoke was almost scary.

“Is it?”