Page 15 of Take You

“That’s good to hear. I’m happy for you. On that note, is there something in particular you’d like to talk about today?”

“Yeah, I want to tell you a little story.”

“Oh great, I love stories, what is this one about?” A lot of callers liked to role play and tell “stories,” and I was always down for it, because the story provided natural stimulus, so it was an easy way to keep the conversation flowing without having to work too hard for it. And of course, the longer we talked, the more I earned, so it was perfect.

“It’s about a girl, let’s call her Kitty. Now, Kitty was a princess, in the true sense of the word. She lived in an ivory tower, and scorned all the peasants below.”

“Oh, she doesn’t sound very nice,” I murmured.

“She wasn’t. I mean, sure, she had everything a princess could want—she was stunningly beautiful to the point where she barely even looked real. She had long, luscious raven hair that flowed down her back and shimmered when the sun hit it, though she preferred to wear it blond, just like all the other princesses. Her eyes were clear blue, which was an unusual contrast with her beautiful olive skin, and naturally dark hair.” What?

“She sounds gorgeous.”

“Yep. She was out of this world, and not only did she look the part of a future queen, but she acted that way too, and people treated her accordingly. She ruled the Kingdom with an iron fist, trampling the weak and undeserving underfoot. She and her brother, the prince, exposed any weaknesses, and used them to keep her humble subjects, well... humble, the way royalty has been doing for thousands of years. The weak shall inherit the dirt, and all that.”

It wasn’t the usual kind of story guys wanted to tell as a rule, but I’d given up being surprised about the things that people were turned on by. I’d had one guy who legit loved listening to me read my “grocery” list, and it had to be regular items, not anything unusual or exotic.

I’d slowly and sexily read out a list of one hundred or more truly mundane household products, and by the time I got to something like toilet paper, or corn chips, he’d shoot his load. If I said tampons or hair removal cream after that, he’d instantly come again. It wasn’t the worst way I could think of to earn money.

“So where do you fit into this scenario? Are you the prince, or one of the subjects?”

“Shut up, and let me do the talking.”

His delivery was a little gruff, but nothing compared to some of the ways guys spoke to me, and whether they said it that way or not, some guys were really only in it to talk and feel like they were being heard, which maybe they weren’t in other areas of their lives.

“The prince and princess were the perfect leaders. Some would say they were born to it. The more they smelled blood, the more they went after their victim until they eventually tore them limb from limb, and left them to bleed out, and die slow, agonizing deaths by cruel social suicide, like mice abandoned by vicious cats, who didn’t even bother to put them out of their misery when they were done toying with them for sport.”

Definitely not the sexiest story I’d ever heard, but even weirder, “Mike” didn’t seem even the least bit turned on by what he was saying. I sure as hell wasn’t.

“The only relief was if someone took pity on them and finished them off mercifully, or if they chose to end the misery themselves. Apparently, for some, the sweet relief of instant eternal oblivion was better than the reality of dying a slow and painful death by a thousand sharp-tongued cuts.”

Holy shit. Normally I found some way to respond or interact with what the caller was saying, no matter how off the wall. I would even secretly Google certain fetishes I’d never heard of while they spoke to me—thank God for online porn. But this was different, and for the first time in a long time, I was speechless.

“Are you still there, little Cherry, or has the vindictive cat got your forked silver tongue?” The disguised metallic voice was so creepy, it gave me chills. My whole body broke out in a rash of goosebumps.

“No, umm... I’m here.” I worked hard to keep up the sexy tone of voice, but it was a struggle, given that all I really wanted to do was hang up the call and hide in my closet. “So how does this fairy tale end, Mike? Is there a happy ever after?”

“Fairy tales always have happy endings, but this one is different, because it’s not a story, it’s real. The end is in sight, but it’s going way past the point of happiness, especially for the vicious princess.” I gulped, hoping that the caller couldn’t hear me.

“So how does it end?”

“Ah, now that would be telling, wouldn’t it? Good storytelling is all about timing, and building suspense. If I give away the ending now, what will keep you interested in the rest of the journey? Because you know what they say about life, right? It’s all in the journey.”

“I have heard that before. And speaking of journeys, I was wondering what I could do to help you get where you need to go today. Are you hard right now?”

“I’m rock hard, and this hard-on has your name all over it. Your real, name, I mean. Tell me, Rosie, did you choose Cherry as your alias, because both cherries and roses are red? I like your thinking, and here’s the best of mine…You know what is also red? Blood.”

Chapter 10


“Have you worded up our esteemed leader to what you’re planning yet?”


“No, Daffy-fucking-Duck. Yes Xavier. Who the fuck else would I be talking about?”

“Nah, I haven’t told him yet, and the more I think about it, the more I’m thinking I might not tell him at all. Technically, this isn’t Cygnus business, so it’s none of his concern.”