“Don’t fucking lie to me. I can read you like a goddammed book, so are you going to tell me what’s eating you, or will I need to drag it out of you?”
“It’s nothing. She just wasn’t what I was expecting—that’s all.”
“In what way?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yeah you do. It’s more a matter of whether you have the balls to come right out with it, or whether I have to drag it out of you.”
“Well, for a start, she’s way more beautiful in real life than her photos do justice.” He was right about that. She looked great in photos, of course, but the real deal was something else entirely.
“Okay. What else?”
He stared hard at the floor. Jesus. I hadn’t anticipated this outcome.
“She was nicer than I imagined, that’s all. Like she wasn’t the stone-cold ice-queen bitch I’d been expecting. She was actually really sweet, in fact. Hot. And sweet.”
“My God, are you shitting me? This isn’t a fairy tale, or a fucking movie. Did you think she was going to turn up with sharpened talons and fangs dripping with blood?”
“I’m not saying that; she was just quieter, and I don’t know, more reserved and ‘jumpy’ than I was expecting, that’s all.”
“Sounds like you had totally inappropriate expectations, if you ask me. I mean, think about it. She’d just had the fright of her life, and been haunted by the Ghost of Christmas Fucking Past. She’s not the goddammed Wicked Witch of the East.” Though, I had seen a side of her that made me wonder more than once. “Besides, you of all people should know better than to take others at face value. I mean, most people probably think I’m stupid, she more than likely thinks you’re a nice guy, and I used to think you were smart.” As much as I tried to suppress it, I couldn’t seem to push down the fury that was building up in me.
“So what’s it going to be?” I glared at him as I asked the question.
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m asking whether you’re going to pussy out on this, because she seems nice. Because, if you are, I’d rather know now so that I can go to Plan B, rather than have you fuck this thing up halfway through.”
“Who said anything about pulling out, or fucking it up? Because I fucking didn’t.” The sting in his voice matched my own harsh tone.
“Not with words maybe, but sometimes we speak loudest in the shit we don’t say.”
“What the hell is that cryptic bull supposed to mean?”
“It means I think this whole thing was a mistake. I thought I could trust you with this, because you know how fucking important it is to me, but now I’m not so sure.”
“So, you think I’m going to sabotage you?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Well, sometimes we speak loudest in our silence.” He shot a version of my own words back at me.
“Touché, although you realize that’s a misquote, right?”
“That’s not the fucking point, and you know it. Come on, man. I told you I’d help you with this, and I meant it. No, she’s not what I expected, but that doesn’t mean I’m not down, or that I’ll screw up. I was just surprised, is all. In fact, I think it’s going to be easy. She’s not very trusting, but there’s definitely a spark there.” A white hot spark. “It’s going to be like taking candy from a baby. Her being hotter than Arizona in July is a nice bonus. My dick already appreciates it. Honestly, if you question my ability or intentions on this, that’s your call. Shut it down, or change the plan, or whatever the hell, but while you’re at it, draw a line under our friendship, and move the fuck on.
“What? Seriously? Calm down.” Jesus.
“Nope. In fact, the longer we talk about it, the more it’s bothering me. I know how important this is to you, but I’ll be honest, I’m kind of pissed that after all these years, and all the shit we’ve been through together, you would doubt me, even for a second. It’s actual fucking bullshit.”
“Listen, I didn’t doubt you, or our friendship. I’m just stressed, you know?”
“No fucking shit, Sherlock. That’s pretty damned obvious. I can’t tell you not to stress out, that’s on you, but I can say that if you call my loyalty, and our friendship into question like that again, we’re done. I fucking mean it.” Kane was uncharacteristically wound up, which made me even more curious about what the hell was going on with him.
“Message received loud and clear. Now, sit down. I’m ordering pizza, and you’re going to tell me every detail. Did you get her number?”
“Not exactly.”