“What about you? Any siblings?”
She froze at my words, and the light in her eyes died instantly. “It’s complicated, I—”
“So, are you going to introduce us to your new friend, or are you keeping her all to yourself?” I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so relieved to be interrupted. Her face brightened into a smile before she even saw who was speaking.
When she turned to face Fox, it was the most game-changing moment of my entire life.
Chapter 14
As she looked at me, the whole world disappeared, and we were the only two people on the planet. Nothing and nobody existed, except us.
Her smile hovered as though she was deciding whether it should stay in place or go. In the end, she decided to keep smiling, but I didn’t miss the uncertainty flickering in her cornflower-blue eyes.
“Fucking stunning.” She was. More so than I remembered, and that was saying something.
“Rose. Rose is what I was going to say. Because that’s my name.” She seemed as unsettled as I felt.
“Okay. Well we’re both right. I’m—”
“Drunk and out of line.” Kane didn’t even try to hide his irritation as he interrupted me. The look on his face spoke a thousand words, and none of them were good.
“I’m not drunk. And as for out of line, I’ll let the beautiful lady decide. What do you think, Rose? Was I wrong to call it how I see it?”
Her focus flitted skittishly between the two of us before settling back on me. Though I’d remained zeroed in on her, I could sense the raw energy emanating from Kane. He was pissed.
“I don’t think you were out of line, as such, but you have me at a disadvantage, as I don’t know your name, so it feels a little...impersonal.”
“My bad. I was trying to introduce myself when I was so rudely interrupted by my learned friend here.” I nodded Kane’s way without actually looking at him. “Then I was so distracted by you, I practically forgot my own name, anyway.”
“Wow. Pulling out the cheesy flattery, and I still don’t know who you are.”
“Fox. My friends call me Fox.”
“Oh? So what should I call you?”
“Fox.” I extended my hand. “Where are my manners? Pleased to meet you Rose, I’m Fox, Kane’s best friend.”
“Soon to be ex-best friend, if you’re not careful.” Again, I didn’t look at Kane as he spoke, instead, keeping my gaze locked in with Rose’s. She took my extended hand and didn’t flinch as I brought hers to my lips. Nor did she remove it from my grasp when I held onto it way longer than was considered polite for total strangers.
“Hi Fox, pleased to meet you.”
“Oh the pleasure is definitely all mine.” As were all the lamest pick-up lines in the history of pickups, just like she’d said.
She blinked slowly, still not retrieving her hand from mine, and I swore to God I could feel her heartbeat through her fingertips. Or was that my own as it thumped in my chest like a herd of wild horses running riot through a meadow?
“So, Kane.” She kept her gaze pinned to mine as she addressed him.
“Hmm...?” I could feel him watching us as he answered her.
“Are all your friends so...” I waited for the end of that sentence, but it never came.
“Thirsty?” Kane finished for her. She didn’t confirm that was what she meant, but continued to stare me down. “Nah. The others have girlfriends.”
“What?” That broke the spell. She pulled her hand away, and fixed her gaze back on Kane. “I did not see that coming.”