Page 35 of Break You

I loved the way she sounded—strong and fierce, but also winded and breathless. I knew I was getting to her, but like me, she was determined not to show it.

“Don’t worry, I always keep my promises.”

I was fairly sure people could hear our cries in Jersey, but I didn’t give a fuck. All I cared about was making good on my promise, and reaping the rewards. I came so hard; I could hardly stand. As Rocky milked me dry, I almost wanted to tell her to stop. It was too intense, too much. Instead, I held her through the waves of her orgasm, even after mine had subsided. When she was done, I fell forward, bent double at the waist and leaning on her back.

We stayed like that for a while, silent, both panting hard, fighting to regain our breath, and more importantly, our composure. I’d never been so wrecked after sex, and I’d done some kinky shit with some freaky girls in my time. But what had just happened with Rocky was different, though. Yes, it had been hot as fuck, the hottest thing I could imagine, in fact, but there was something else. I wasn’t sure if it was because we could barely stand to be in the same room at any other time, or the fact that the sex had been an expression of our anger and hatred for each other. Whatever the reason, it had rocked me to my core.

Rocky was the first to speak.

“Straighten up. I need to let go of this bar before my arms rip out of their sockets.”

I stood up to full height and pulled out of her quickly, although my dick was still hard. It clearly didn’t get the memo that playtime was over. A series of shudders ran through my body like the aftershocks of an earthquake, and when I looked down at Rocky, she seemed to be experiencing the same thing. Not that I cared, above and beyond knowing I affected her as much as she did me. The situation was kind of fucked up, but felt a little less so, if I knew she was screwed up over it too.

“I gotta go fix this up.” I motioned to the condom situation. She nodded silently, kneading and rolling her shoulders. I could tell she was wincing even though she was still facing away from me.

I was only gone a few minutes, but by the time I got back from cleaning myself up, she was fully dressed, and I found her with her hand on the door handle, clearly on her way out.

“Where the fuck are you going?”

She whirled around to look at me, her eyes hungrily taking in my semi-naked form from head to toe, and resting on the bulge beneath the towel I’d hastily tied around my waist. I didn’t want to consider the reasons why it was important to me that she obviously liked what she saw.

“I’m late for a meeting with Satan.” The sharpness of her voice cut me to shreds. Sarcasm was her superpower. “I feel like I’ve said this a thousand times before already, but it’s none of your business where I’m going, what I’m doing, or with whom. Why would you even ask? Surely you didn’t think we were gonna snuggle and talk about our future?” The look of derision on her face could have turned fresh milk sour.

I didn’t know what I’d expected, but her hightailing it out of there, like the place was on fire while my dick was still dripping, wasn’t it. I looked her up and down in much the same way as she’d observed me—with detached appreciation—before meeting her stony gaze. I licked my lips slowly as though I had all the time, but none of the cares in the world. I dropped my gaze to her lips, then slowly swept it back up to her eyes. She looked a little less confident as she waited for me to make my move.

Possible comebacks zipped into and out of my brain, but in the end, I decided to let my body do the talking. I strode forward, quickly closing the gap between us, pinning her to the door with my body. I pressed my throbbing dick against her, at the same time as I pushed my lips to hers. We tussled for dominance again, neither of us gaining much ground, until she slipped her hand through the split in the towel and grabbed my dick, squeezing hard.

“Holy. Shit.” She clenched her hand a little tighter before starting to pump it back and forth, slowly and methodically. Somehow she nailed a pace that brought me both pleasure and pain. I appreciated that it was slow enough not to cause too much friction—though with the precum leaking from my tip, that wasn’t going to be an issue for long anyway. On the other hand, it was so slow that my arousal felt like a nagging itch that I couldn’t quite reach to scratch. It was infuriating, just like her.

When I rocked my hips back and forth to increase the pace, she stilled, squeezing my dick harder. She lifted her other hand and pushed at my chest firmly enough to break the connection between our lips.

“Keep still, or I stop.” She was maddening in the extreme. I clamped my lips together, wanting to say all the sharp words burning on the tip of my tongue, but the desire to come a second time won out over my need to give her a piece of my mind. I did as I was told, and instead of returning my lips to hers, leaned my head backward and closed my eyes. Like she’d said before, it was probably for the best that I didn’t see her when I came.

Once she had me where she wanted me, she loosened her grip slightly again, working me over just enough to bring me to the brink, but not enough to tip me over the edge. I tried my damnedest to keep still, but each time I felt the edge of my orgasm approach, my body took over my mind, and I’d again push into her hand, trying to get her to give me more. Every time she stopped until I kept still, and we’d start the whole thing all over again.

Fearing my knees would buckle before she gave me what I wanted, I pulled my focus back to her eyes. We were both serious and somber. I drew one hand to her neck and the other to her wrist, applying firm pressure to each.

“Do it.”

Her lips twisted into the merest hint of a smile, but apart from that and a small questioning quirk of her eyebrow, she did and said nothing.

“Please.” I gritted the word out through clenched lips, and swore I’d make her pay for bringing me the closest I’d ever been to begging anyone for anything.

Saying nothing, she got to work, this time not stopping when I was close to climax. As I came hard in her hand, the tight smile remained, but I swore I saw a gleam in her eye.

When I was done, she kept eye contact as she wiped her hand on the towel. Her voice was cool and detached as she spoke.

“If you tell anyone about this, I’ll deny it until I’m blue in the face, which given my skin tone, would be a very long time.”


When I’d cleaned the cum from my hand, I pivoted and walked out the door calmly and slowly, letting it shut behind me without looking back.

Holy shit.

I hightailed it out of the dorm, partly because I didn’t want to risk being seen there—if I was going to deny having slept with Xavier, it would be less believable if I was spotted leaving his room—partly because I suddenly felt like I was drowning and needed fresh air.

I rounded the building, filling my lungs in huge desperate gulps. I made it to the next block—I figured that was far enough for plausible deniability if somebody saw me—and slumped against the side of a building. I allowed my back to scrape painfully down the rough bricks, snagging my jacket—now zippered closed—as I went. Not that I cared. Physical pain was so much easier for me to deal with than emotional pain—always had been. Cuts, bruises, and even broken bones healed quickly. My heart and soul didn’t.