“Look, I don’t have time for this. I need to get back to work before I end up without a car on top of everything else.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing. I gotta go.” I started moving back toward the door to return to the bar, but Xavier grabbed me by the wrist.
“What. Did. You. Mean?” I looked at his hand in much the same way as I had the lecherous guy’s, and after a few moments he let go, reaching up and squeezing the back of his neck. “What about your car?”
“When I went back today to see if I could get it started—sometimes it just ‘fixes’ itself—it was nowhere to be seen. I called the DMV, and it got impounded. If I don’t get the money together to release it, it’ll get trashed.”
“It’s probably for the best. Piece of shit looks like a death trap.”
“Ha! You’re so far out of touch with reality, it’s not even funny. That ‘piece of shit’ is all I have to get from lectures to work and back home. It might not be about to win any beauty pageants, but despite the occasional breakdown, it serves a purpose, and I’m pretty much screwed without it. Now excuse me. I have to get back to work before I get fired.”
“You’re not getting fired.”
“You don’t know that.” I started rolling again, and again, he grabbed my arm. My patience was wearing thinner by the second. I whirled to face him ready to tell him to leave me the hell alone.
“What fuck do you want fro—” I didn’t get to finish the sentence, as his lips crashed into mine.
My first instinct was to fight, like I’d been fighting my whole life. I struggled against the onslaught of his lips as he shoved me hard against the door of the bar, pressing the wrist he’d grabbed up above my head. I stiffened, conflicted about what to do, or what I even wanted. I held back, trying to consider my options, and then I realized that I had none. While my brain was trying to figure shit out, my body had already gotten the memo, loud and clear.
Xavier Cross tasted like cigarettes, sin and regret. A whole lot of regret. But my body didn’t care. I opened my mouth and we kiss-battled, each of us jousting for dominance over the other. Exploring his mouth felt like entering a forbidden secret garden. The one behind the electrified barbed wire fence you were warned against entering, but went beyond anyway. The one you were too curious about to avoid, too drawn to its illicit danger to resist its mystique. Although you knew it couldn’t end well, you found a way to sneak in anyway, because you just had to.
Even as I responded to him physically, the battle between my body and mind continued to rage within me. Even as I struggled and failed to pull my hand from his grasp, the other hand clawed and scratched at his neck and shoulder, pulling him closer, while all the time willing myself to push him away. Even as I bit down hard on his lip, my core melted with the heat of my desire.
He was the same. While he resisted my attempt to free my arm, his other hand dropped to my hip, pushing me back harder against the door, trying to create space between us at the point where our bodies had fused like iron-shavings to a magnet. It was useless. Neither of us could resist the pull toward the other.
We rubbed against each other, and as his rock-hard erection ground against my hot spot, Xavier gave up fighting. He moved his hand to my neck, pushing hard enough to make his presence felt, and my breath hitched, a fresh shockwave of arousal flooding my body. I kissed him more wildly, bit harder, scratched deeper. He applied more pressure, kissing me back more fiercely, pulling my arm higher above my head, and pushing it harder against the door.
As he grappled at the top of my shorts, I contemplated stopping him, but knew I wouldn’t. He yanked the top two buttons open and slid his hand between the tight denim and my flushed flesh. His hand was warm as it slid quickly over the top of my panties, before moving them aside. There was a moment’s hesitation while we both held our breath, then he pushed a finger slowly inside me. He exhaled. I concentrated hard on not coming despite the slow and steady movement of his finger back and forth.
Just as I thought I was about to stroke out, I came reluctantly, screwing my eyes tight shut to block out his face, silently feeling the warm glow of release flow through my body. The pleasure was intense, but I didn’t let it show on my face. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he’d affected me.
When I was done, he removed his hand, and I let out a long slow breath. Xavier released my arm, and tore his body away from mine, putting much-needed space between us. We stared each other out in emotion-charged silence. The only sound punctuating the still night was the ragged push and pull of air into and out of our lungs as we struggled to regain our composure.
The contempt was clear on his face, and the anger on my own was reflected in his cold blue stare. He squeezed the back of his neck, shutting his eyes briefly. I clenched and unclenched my fists. Still, neither of us said a word, just observed the deep and rapid rise and fall of the other person’s chest.
Xavier broke the stalemate, reaching out to tip my chin with the crook of his finger, forcing me to read the rage in his eyes. I met his glare with a look of equal disdain.
“What do I want from you, Angry Girl?” His voice was hoarse and thick with desire. I smirked, enjoying the knowledge that I’d gotten to him as much as he’d affected me. He pushed his long finger slowly into and out of his mouth, sucking it clean before answering the question I’d started asking earlier. “Everything... and I’ll get it, no matter what.”
I stood back slightly, allowing her space to turn away from me. She pivoted on her skates, aiming for nonchalant, but totally failing to hide how wrecked she’d been by the encounter. I was only slightly comforted to know that whatever the fuck it was that had just happened had thrown her for as much of a loop as it had me.
She gave me one last contemptuous look over her shoulder, which I returned with a glare, then she was through the door, and back into the bar.
I lit another cigarette and sucked it down like my life depended on it, before heading back into the main room myself, stopping by the bathrooms on the way. There was no way in hell I was going to make it through the rest of the night with balls as blue as they were, and Rocky rolling around in those shorts that left almost nothing to the imagination. I might not have liked her, but fuck if my dick couldn’t ignore her.
I jerked off quickly and angrily. Apart from easing the physical discomfort, coming brought no gratification. I was grateful that if nothing else, at least I wouldn’t be walking around with an Eiffel Tower-sized boner, for all the world to see. It was slim consolation, and I was still more pissed than anything. Pissed that I’d let Rocky get under my skin. Even more so that I still wanted to get under her panties.
As I approached our booth again, Drew greeted me with an eyebrow raised in question.
“Seriously? What now, motherfucker?” My tone was sharp.
“I should be the one asking you that. Are you really going to stand there and tell me that there’s nothing going on between you and the Rollergirl hottie after you said you were leaving, disappeared with her, then reappeared as though you didn’t threaten to storm out before?”
“Yep.” I popped the p extra loudly. “That’s exactly what I’m going to tell you, and you’re going to let the subject drop.”