One Year Later
“Congratulations!”I grin huge, feeling genuine excitement. The guys have worked so hard for this moment, and it feels great to finally see it all paying off.
“Thanks,” Don says, a little bashful but still grinning. He’s decked out in Nike gear, his brand new sponsor. The papers were finished and signed only a couple hours ago.
“How’s it feel?”
“Fake,” he admits. “I know I’m ready for this, but I just. Never… believed, I guess.” He makes a little helpless shrug.
“Jonas has that effect.” I smile, looking across the crowded room. Jonas is talking to Vinny and Shrink, sneaking them some drinks and laughing at something.
Half Pipe is crowded for Don’s signing party. Jonas emptied out the café to make room for all this, and he’s selling weed at cost to anyone of age, plus an open bar. The place is packed with more outside playing games in the parking lot, a bunch of skater guys here to celebrate for Don.
But Don himself, he just looks uncomfortably happy, like none of it is real.
I can understand that feeling. I’ve felt that way a few times over the last year, ever since Ezra signed the papers and disappeared. I still have no clue where my brother is, but I think about him a lot less.
I just don’t need to think about him, after everything he did. Jonas and I found our own apartment after searching for a week, and we moved in together right away. It was probably stupid and I know my mom was livid but I’m not living for my mom any more, or for anyone for that matter. I’m living for myself, and being with Jonas makes me feel better than I ever could have imagined.
Now we’re here, a year later, and Half Pipe is doing amazing. Jonas is in talks to open a new skate shop across the street, and I’m going to help him run it. I still bike every day, for longer and longer these days, and I’ve been thinking about entering a triathlon.
Life is good. It’s not always easy and it’s never simple but it’s so good. For the first time in a long, long time, maybe ever, I feel happy and content, and it’s easy to see why.
Jonas is like a magnet, pulling good things toward him, and I just want to be nearby to soak up some of that goodness. Every day it gets a little bit better, and every day I can feel myself starting to shed all the layers of darkness and pain I’ve put on over the years.
I don’t talk to Royal, and I don’t go over that house. My mom gave birth to twins and I babysit them almost twice a week, but I make sure she brings them to me and Royal is never with her. That’s working for us, and although I’m worried about my little baby half-siblings, they’re good kids and cute as buttons. I’ll make sure they have a good life, no matter what.
As I’m looking across the crowd, Jonas catches my eye and winks. He motions for me to come to him, and I smile.
“He beckons,” Don notes with a grin.
“Hard to say no to him, right?”
“Really is. Glad I didn’t. That guy changed my life.”
“Mine too.” I smile at Don and head through the people, saying hello when I spot someone I know, before finally ending up near Jonas once again.
His beard’s a little thicker, his eyes are a little brighter, but he’s no different than he was a year ago. At least, not on the surface.
Inside, he’s calmer. He’s not so quick to anger. He thinks before he acts and he tells me, every single day, how he feels.
“I love you, you know that?” he says, pulling me against him.
Vinny groans. “Get a room.”
“This is our room, dickhead,” I say to him, and kiss Jonas. “I love you too.”
Jonas grins and lets me go. “The boys here are just jealous. Vinny, when’s the last time you had a lady touch that shriveled little thing you call your cock?”
“Your mom did it for me last night,” he grumbles.
Jonas laughs, a dark and intense laugh. “Run away now, kid, before I kick your ass.”
“You’re all talk, Jonas,” Vinny says, but he’s already walking away. Shrink gives me a grin and follows his friend.
“How are they taking it?” I ask him.