“Above ground, too,” I say vaguely.

“Why’s he here?” Lizzie’s mom whispers loudly as she steers Lizzie away from me. I lean up against the wall, arms crossed, watching the scene unfold.

“He’s my friend,” Lizzie says loudly. “And he’s standing right there. He can hear you.”

She glances back at me with a little awkward smile before going back to Lizzie. “Honey, Royal had a serious medical situation. I don’t think it’s appropriate to bring…. Non-family.”

“Too bad,” Lizzie says, and turns to Royal. “How are you feeling?”

“Like shit,” he says. “But I’m not dead.” Lizzie’s mom steps closer but Royal waves her away. “Let it go, Grace,” he says to her. “Lizzie here’s just expressing her rebellious side.” He looks back at Lizzie. “Still mad about the other night?”

“When you hit me?” she asks, cocking her head. “Yeah, I’m still mad.”

Royal chuckles. I want to go over there and strangle him, finish what nature started, that fucking bastard. He thinks it’s funny that he punched her in the eye? It takes everything I have not to hurt him in that moment.

“Barely touched you,” he says, grimacing a little. “Honestly, Lizzie, keep this up and you’ll turn into your brother.”

“Is that so bad?” she asks.

“Royal, Lizzie, please,” her mom says, looking worried. I can see the wrinkles on her face, starting to show through all the Botox and facelifts she’s had. It’s easy to get surgery, but it’s hard to really hide the truth about yourself. Never understood why people opt for looking like a monster instead of embracing old age.

“It’s okay, mother,” Lizzie says. “I know how Royal can be.”

“How I can be?” He grunts a little bit. “Girl, you got no clue. Your mother’s going to have more babies and you’re off running around with this guy.” He gestures in my direction. “I mean, what’s wrong with you, kid? You need to be at home helping your mom.”

“My mom made her choice,” Lizzie grates. “And I’m not her fucking nanny.”

“Lizzie,” her mother chides her.

Royal chokes out a chuckle. “No, but you’re her daughter. I guess it doesn’t matter, though. Your whole damn family is all about running away. Like your older brother and his father and your damn father, too.”

Lizzie’s eyes go wide and Grace Andrews actually gasps, taking a step back away from Royal. I stand up straight and watch as Lizzie’s hands clench and unclench into fists, and for a second, I’m positive she’s going to hit him.

Instead, she shakes her head. “I’m done with you, Royal,” she says. “I’m done letting you bully me. I’m glad you didn’t die, but I won’t be upset when you finally do.” She turns away and walks to the door.

“You slut,” he grunts after her. “Come home to your mother, don’t follow this fucking thug.”

“Go to hell,” Lizzie says.

“Honey, wait.” Lizzie’s mom follows her, half-hearted and eyes wide.

“You can go to hell too, mom. You’ve taken his side enough now. I know what you really care about.” Lizzie grabs the door and throws it wide, stepping into the hall.

I smile sweetly at Royal. “Nice to see you again,” I say. “Hopefully it’s the last time.”

He grunts at me and looks away. I smile at Lizzie’s mom before following Lizzie out into the hallway. I catch up with her as she makes it to the elevators, practically shaking with rage.

“That asshole,” she says. “I want to kill him, Jonas. I really fucking do.” She steps toward me, her whole body on fire with pure anger.

I pull her into my arms and hug her tight. “I’m proud of you.”

That makes her pause. “Proud? Of that?”

“Absolutely,” I say softly. “You stood up to him.”

“I had a tantrum.”

I shake my head, pulling her away so that I can look her in the eye. “No, Lizzie. Royal’s a bully and he always will be. You realized what he is and you told him to go fuck himself. I’m proud of you.”

She stares back at me and starts crying. Deep, chest-rattling sobs. I pull her tight again and hold her tight, letting her get it all out as the sobs wrack her for a few minutes.

I reflect that I’ve never held a crying girl before like this. I’ve seen women cry, hell, I’ve made them cry. Never wanted to hug one before, though. Never told one I was proud of her. What’s happening to me?

Lizzie finally calms enough to look up at me, a stupid smile on her face. “I probably look insane.”

“Nah,” I say. “It’s a hospital. People cry here all the time.”

She laughs a little bit. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

“Yeah.” I hit the button to call the elevator. The whole way back, I don’t let go of her hand, not once.