Another hesitation. “I’m sorry, man, I couldn’t find you. It couldn’t work.”

“Bring the money back.”

“I can’t,” he says instantly. “It’s an investment, and listen, it’s about to pay off big time.”

“God damn it, Ezra.” I can feel my anger starting to slip. “Are you high right now?”

“High? I’m not high, asshole, just because I don’t do everything the way you do, doesn’t mean I’m high, you dick.”

I sigh. “Ezra. What are you investing in?”

The noise in the background suddenly gets louder, almost deafening. “Oh shit, gotta go. We can talk about it later.” He suddenly hangs up the phone, leaving me speechless.

I slowly stand up, radiating anger. That bastard’s out buying drugs right now, and a lot of drugs, based on the amount of money he took.

I don’t know what Ezra’s getting himself into, and right now, I don’t give a fuck. Five grand’s a drop in the bucket, all told. We make more on a good day, easily, but that’s not the point. If Ezra’s buying drugs in bulk and calling it an investment, that means he plans on dealing them.

And that’s very bad news for everyone involved.

I leave my office, shutting the door behind me. Big John’s nowhere to be seen, probably back in the dispensary section watching out for any assholes that feel like acting tough. We’ve been getting less of those since a couple weeks ago when Big John smashed a guy’s face through a glass display case for reaching over the counter and snatching a joint from Lauren’s hand. I was going to dock Big John’s pay to get that display fixed, but decided the reputation as a no-bullshit establishment was worth the cost. So far, so good, but that Big John’s kind of a psycho.

I head out into the coffee area, buzzing and fists tight. I go right around the back, ignoring the fact that Lizzie has an apron on and is helping Lane. I pour myself a coffee and sip it. I know this isn’t going to help with my mood but I need something to do with my hands. I should probably go smoke some fucking weed or something to calm down, but I don’t want to calm down. I want to smash Ezra’s face in and make him explain why he’s having a goddamn nervous breakdown.

Lizzie looks over at me, leaning up against the counter, arms crossed. “Already checking in on me?” she asks. “I’ve only been at it for, what, five minutes?”

I shrug a little. “I’m sure you’re doing good.”

“Better than good,” Lane cuts in. “She’s a damn natural.”

“It’s just making coffee,” Lizzie says but there’s an edge of pride in her voice.

I arch an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? How about you make me a non-fat soy latte, then?”

She sighs. “Don’t be a dick. I can pour coffee, that’s pretty much it.”

I grunt a little bit, and I’m about to make some sexist dirty comment about her pouring my dick all over her, but I decide not to be an idiot.

“You should take a break,” I say to her. “Feel like going somewhere?”

She glances at Lane who just shakes her head. “He’s the boss,” she says.

“I just started.”

“Come on. It’ll be better than pouring drinks all afternoon with this moron.”

“Hey, leave me out of it,” Lane complains.

“Note how she doesn’t argue with being called a moron.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “I am a brilliant, strong woman that will not take any shit from any man, except for you, Jonas, because you’re an asshole and my boss. Now fuck off.”

I grin at her as Lizzie laughs. I stand up and step out from behind the counter. “Come on, Lizzie,” I say. “I’ll show you the real San Diego.”

I don’t bother to look back to see if she’s following as I head out into the parking lot. To my surprise and genuine delight, she quickly catches up, the apron still tied around her waist.

“Might want to get that off,” I say to her.

She gapes before she realizes that I mean, which makes me smile. I turn her around and untie the apron before pulling it off her, getting close to her body. She’s blushing a little when I’m finished.

“I can handle that myself, you know.”

“Of course you can,” I say. “More fun when I do it.”

I toss the apron behind a bush and lead her over to my Jeep. We climb in and I head out, top down, wind blowing in her gorgeous hair, and well aware that I’m making a dumb mistake, but not caring either way.