He watches me for a long second before sighing. “You really want to go down this road, little rose? You really want to see the guy Ezra is right now?”
“Yes,” I whisper. The old Ezra is already dead, and I know the new one can’t get any worse.
“Fine. Let’s go find your brother.”
“You know where he is?”
Jonas smirks at me. “Girl, I know where every fucking party in this city is going down. I can find your shithead brother.”
Without another word, he stalks out into the living room. I hesitate a second, not sure I really want to see how this plays out, but I follow him eventually. We leave the apartment together, get into Jonas’s car, and drive out into the night.
For the first time in a long time, I’m nervous and nauseous over what’s about to happen, not the fact that I’m riding in a car.