I don’t have to choose as I run up against a counter behind me, the plant rattling slightly, its leaves brushing against the back of my neck. Jonas reaches out suddenly and I tip my face up toward him, expecting his lips, but instead he reaches past me and steadies the plant, keeping it from tipping over.
“Shit,” I say, moving aside. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he says, making sure the plant’s steady before letting it go. “Not like we don’t have more.”
“I know. I just, didn’t see it, I guess.” I laugh nervously as he turns toward me, steps closer, and pulls me against his body.
This time, his lips come for mine, and I don’t move away. I kiss him back as his hands find my hips, my whole body flooding with emotion, my heart hammering fast in lockstep with my heaving chest. I kiss him hard and deep, his tongue against mine, his lips soft and his beard slightly scratchy against my smooth skin. I let out a little moan and I’m so embarrassed by it that I want to die, but it doesn’t slow him down, not at all.
After another half second, though, he pulls away, eyes on fire. “We shouldn’t,” he says.
“Yeah,” I answer.
“Really. Fuck, we really shouldn’t.”
“My brother wouldn’t like it,” I guess.
He nods, letting go of my hips and stepping away like he’s tearing off a bandage. “He’s gone far enough, I just…” He trails off.
“Yeah, I get it.” I wrap my arms across my chest, I think to keep my heart from spilling out onto the floor.
“You can start in the café with Lane tomorrow,” he says, turning away from me. “I’ll see you later.”
Without another word, and without looking back, he leaves the room. I stand there among the plants, feeling like a moron, my lips still buzzing with his taste.