“Sister,” added Caleb. “Didn’t you see that piece on the Phipps blogroll?”
I nodded. I’d seen the post but figured it was just a blip. Some journalist named James Phipps had expressed doubts about the Sandy crisis, saying that you should be “critical, in the best sense of the word” about stories that just confirm your own biases. He said that as a former editor, "something about this story doesn’t feel right," noting that it relied entirely on one unnamed source. Friends and acquaintances weren't interviewed, and the reporter apparently made no effort to contact the alleged rapists.
“You were behind that?” I asked suspiciously. “How do you know James Phipps?”
“He’s worked for Sterling before,” said Cade lightly. “And he appreciates a tip. We didn’t provide a scoop or anything like that. We just needed to get the ball rolling, and pointed him in the right direction,” he said with total command.
The fog was starting to dissipate, my eyes beginning to clear.
“So the Phipps blog post was the first in a series of strikes,” I said slowly. “What’s next?”
“You’ll see,” said Caleb cheekily. “This is going to turn out a thousand times worse for Brenda than she ever expected. Plus,” he added, “if she thinks Cole Whitehouse is going to ask her out now … she’s got another think coming.”
I knew that already. My friend, or maybe ex-friend, was so delusional about boys in general and Cole in particular, so she was totally off the reservation in that respect. But there was still another problem.
“Brothers,” I said slowly. “Does your family know now that you dance? That you’re into twinsex? That we’re together?” I said slowly. “Because if Sterling is running an investigation, then these things are going to be revealed.”
Both my brothers’ expressions grew tight.
“That, little girl, is something we have to find out,” he said. “We’re flying to San Francisco tonight to meet with the fam. God help us,” he added with a grim look. “Your mom, my dad, my brothers, your sisters, they’re all going to be there.”
Oh no, I thought, totally deflated. Armageddon was indeed coming.