Page 69 of The Naughty Virgin



I gasped as I walked into my brothers’ apartment. It was huge, gorgeous, and imposing, straight out of a décor magazine. I’d known my soon-to-be steps were rich, but this was mind-boggling. This apartment was probably costing them five figures per month in rent, minimum.

“Wow,” I gasped, my eyes skimming over the wide expanse of lawn visible from their window. “You live here?”

“Yep,” growled Caleb, “and you do too now,” he said, setting my bag down with finality.

I wasn’t sure what to think. On the one hand, we were soon to be family and family takes care of each other. But on the other … my steps were so gorgeous, domineering, and I’d seen them in action, not to mention sucked their balls when I had the chance. Where were we going with this?

As if reading my mind, Cade answered. “Come and see our room,” he said, nodding towards the back.

I followed meekly, my mouth hanging open in awe. We walked along a marble passage way, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a couple mirrors making the hall seem wider than it already was. When they opened the massive double oak doors, I was expecting to see more of the same, lots of luxury textiles, the finest antique furniture, that kind of stuff.

But instead, we were in a spare, masculine room. There was a huge oaken bed with a matching massive wardrobe, but otherwise the ornate touches were gone, instead going for sleek, comfortable, and thoroughly modern including two stripper poles in the center, gleaming gold on a raised dais.

Caleb smirked as he saw my expression. “What, surprised?” he teased. “We haven’t forgotten where we met you.”

“In fact,” added Caden, “It’s the part of you that we want to explore more.”

I felt heat flushing my cheeks. God, that night in SF ...

“Brothers,” I said softly. “Are you showing me my room or yours?”

As I’d expected, both men smiled at once, flashing dazzling smiles.

“Ours,” they said in unison.

“Oh,” was all I could manage at first. “But what about our family?” I asked. “And what were you doing in Vegas? I mean, I thought you guys were billionaire executives, and now you’re students at NYU, and you’re also strippers? Are you going to Vegas anytime soon? Not that I didn’t like it,” I added hastily. “I loved seeing you dance. It’s just, I don’t know what to expect next, you know?”

“Little sis,” said Caden smoothly. “You never know what exactly to expect next. That’s the beauty of twinsex.”

That stopped my dead in my tracks.

“Twinsex?” I asked weakly.

“What did you think we were doing?” growled Caleb. “We’re obviously twins, it’s obviously illicit, crazy, made for the movies, all that shit. We’ve just decided to look it in the eye and acknowledge what we’re about,” he shrugged.

“How long has it been going on?” I asked, my voice wavering.

“Since we were boys,” said Cade smoothly. “It’s worked out well, we’re best friends and we like sharing girls too … like you.”

My breath hitched and my chest grew tight. Yeah, these were my steps and they were full on acknowledging the dirtiness of their ways. I felt scandalized, yet privileged at being let into their world. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do next, but it seemed out of my control.

“But what about Vegas?” I asked, my voice soft. “What’s the story behind that?”

The twins shared a glance.

“Did you like what you saw that night?” asked Cade.

“Did it turn you on?” chimed his brother.

My cheeks flushed. “You know it did!” I breathed, my breasts rising and falling, the images of those two hard, male forms, twisting around and against each other making my body shiver. “You know I liked it.”

They smiled at me then. “Then maybe we’ll do a repeat,” said Caleb. “A private performance, if you will. Join us on stage?” he asked, extending a hand to me.

Cade put on some music, some deep bossa nova, and I started to sway. As if in a trance, I took Caleb’s hand and stepped onto the dais, the two poles gleaming, burnished in the dim light, almost intimidating yet curiously elegant.