“I am,” I said slowly. “But like I said, I’m a re-entry student. I just got back to campus from California, literally we moved into this place last week.”
“And who’s we?” said the male cop.
“My brother Caleb and I,” I said shortly. “Listen, I need to get my lawyer on the phone, these questions are getting intrusive.”
“Sure,” said the male cop. “Meet us down at the station and answer questions with your lawyers in tow. It’ll be easier without them but don’t listen to me,” he said in a sing-song voice.
My business instincts kicked into gear.
“I’ll be at the precinct tomorrow morning nine sharp,” I said in a clipped tone. “My brother and I both … with counsel present.”
“Okay,” nodded the female cop. “Thanks for your time.”
And as they left, I wondered what we’d gotten into.