I have to admit, Caden and I have done the unthinkable. We’re in line at the NYU Registrar’s office, ready to be re-admitted as transfers. It’s crazy, I know. We’re billionaires, twenty-five year old wunderkind who dropped out of school to pursue our fortunes. And yet we’re back.
It has to do with our step. After that night in San Francisco, we’d had a serious discussion. Sure, we could keep on going at Sterling Pharma, inventing new drugs, overseeing the financials of the corporation, but things were fine with the company. Jake was in control at the helm, he didn’t need us.
So we’d decided to take the unconventional path and finish school. Can you imagine? We’ve given guest lectures to MBA students and yet here we were, completing our undergrad degrees. What the fuck was wrong with us?
The answer was, we wanted to see our little step again. She was just too far away and there was no way a weekend here or there was enough for us. My brother and I are fueled by testosterone and even the weekends in Vegas were getting to be mundane. We needed to fuck, fuck, and then fuck some more, hopefully with our nasty little girl between us.
But first things first.
“Mr. Sterling?” quizzed the old lady behind the counter.
“Yep that’s me,” I said confidently.
“We need an address for you,” she said.
“Oh right … here you go,” I passed her our lease.
Her eyebrows shot up. “So you live at Columbus Circle? In the Time Warner Center?” she asked disbelievingly.
“That’s right,” I said. “Penthouse floor, but with Whole Foods in the basement it’s convenient for a student, I can’t afford to eat out all the time, you know?” I said, winking at her.
And with a shake of her head, she sat back down. Living at the Time Warner Center was a luxury but Caden and I weren’t about to move back into the dorms, we were over and done with that. But that didn’t mean we weren’t going to participate in student life fully.
After the registrar’s office, we took a cab to our old fraternity, Delta Upsilon Pi. Oh yeah, DUP. The nastiest, most perverted guys in the world, and like old times there was the thump of loud music coming from the shared house, really a decrepit townhouse that had been converted into a giant loft, decayed and torn asunder. Perfect for wild parties.
We walked in and sure enough, there were guys with their feet kicked up, drinking beer, baseball hats on backwards.
“Brothers!” crowed one. “The National Chapter told us you were coming. Who knew? The Sterling twins … here at DUP.”
“Yeah, we’re back,” grunted Cade. “Wanted to do the unconventional thing and get our degrees. Set a good example for the kiddies back home.”
“Whatevs,” shrugged a tall guy, taking a swig of beer. “I’m Danny, this is Cord,” he said, nodding to a sandy-haired dude. “You coming to the party tonight? Lots of drunk girls,” he said with a nasty grin.
“Yeah,” I said noncommittally. “Absolutely. What time does it start again?”
“Ten, my brothers,” said Danny, letting a spider crawl up his arm. Did that thing have a hairy belly with a red hourglass on it? Shit, that was a tarantula.
He saw my stare and laughed nastily. “Yeah, we fuck around a lot here. Don’t be late,” he added as we left. “Lots of sluts will be here tonight.”