And Evie looked at the floor again, her hands twisting into one another, the look on her face crestfallen.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Phillips,” she said quietly. “My family doesn’t have much and it’s tough to drum up more. Fifteen dollars would be the most we could afford and I know that’s not enough for someone with your credentials.”
At that, a wolfish grin came over my face.
“I’m not asking for anything from your family,” I rumbled, “No, I figured the payment would come from you.”
The brunette looked confused, raising her head to meet my gaze with puzzled eyes.
“From me?” she asked quizzically. “I mean, I guess I could help you grade papers or do some filing. Or is there something else?” she asked, perplexed.
I shook my head.
“No, nothing like that. Grading papers would be a conflict of interest, you’d see other students’ grades and I don’t have much filing on hand,” I shrugged. “But I do have something else in mind.”
And the brunette shook her head, the mass of curls tumbling over her shoulders.
“But what?” she asked, her brow creased. “I mean, I’m still in high school so I don’t exactly have any marketable skills,” she said wryly.
And at that, I pulled the kumquat out of my pocket, the little globe orange and juicy, shiny under the classroom lights. Because after Evie had popped it out of her pussy, it’d rolled down the darkened hallway to stop at my feet, and I’d surreptitiously picked it up, stowing it in my pocket until I got home, smelling the tang of her pussy juice, licking the little fruit while re-living what I’d just seen in my head.
And I could tell the brunette recognized the fruit, her eyes going wide, her breasts heaving with agitation.
“Is this yours?” I asked casually, with a smile on my face, holding up the little fruit.
And the brunette’s shocked gasp was answer enough, my body going on alert, hungry suddenly … for what Evie had to offer.