Page 44 of The Naughty Virgin

“Sure but what does that have to do with us? I mean … are you related to them?” I asked, jumping back all of a sudden.

He nodded slowly, his face serious.

“I’m not just related, I’m the heir apparent,” he said wryly. “You’re looking at the CEO of Phillips.”

My jaw dropped. Suddenly the incredible luxury surrounding us made sense. There was no way he could afford this on a teacher’s income, even if he had years of salary saved.

“That’s where you got all this, isn’t it?” I asked, my chin trembling as I gestured to the house, the pool, the car parked out front. “You’re a rich man. Even that apartment in NYC,” I said slowly. “The company was paying for it, weren’t they?”

And the big man tapped me on the nose with his index finger, eyes dancing.

“No, not exactly,” he said. “The company didn’t pay for the apartment, nor do they pay for this house,” he said, his eyes sweeping across the luxurious surroundings. “My trust fund bought these things and it’s time I began contributing to the family business after living off its largesse for so long.”

But still, there was something missing.

“But what about being a teacher?” I asked slowly, shaking my head. “I thought you loved your chosen profession. Plus, you really knew your stuff, Stone, you were great in front of a classroom, truly talented.”

And the big man leaned in to give me a swift kiss before straightening again, eyes gleaming.

“Thanks baby, I appreciate it. Yeah, teaching is something that I always wanted to do,” he said contemplatively. “Educate kids, work with my brain. And I had a good run, but I’d been thinking of leaving the profession for a couple years, believe it or not,” he said wryly. “My grandfather’s sick and can’t man the helm for much longer, plus a bunch of my relatives are nitwits and couldn’t possibly sail this ship. So it’s me,” he said with a shrug. “My dad’s gonna be the chairman and I’ll be the CEO, we’ll work in tandem until my dad retires and then it’ll be all me.”

I gaped a little.

“You-you’re going to be running Phillips Packaging?” I asked, disbelief in my eyes. “But what do you know about the business?”

And the big man tapped me on the nose lightly.

“You know little girl, you can be so amazing and yet so insulting at once,” he said dryly. “Sure, you know me as your biology teacher, but what do you think I’ve been doing since I was nine years old?” he asked. “That’s right, I’ve been working at the Phillips factory since I was a kid, child labor laws be damned. My family didn’t hesitate to put me to work, figured it help me learn the business early.”

And I gaped again.

“So it’s really true then,” I gasped. “You’re taking the reins of the family company.”

And Stone grinned at me then.

“Actually, I’m not taking the reins, I’ve already taken the reins,” he winked. “I was named CEO last week, installed at the head of the corporation, and there’s a ton of shit to do.”

“So why are you here now then?” I asked. “If you’re so busy, why are you here?”

And the big man threw up his hands before pulling me closer, my breasts touching his chest now, my softness pressed up against his hardness.

“I swear Evie, have you not heard anything I’ve said? I’m in love with you,” he said, suddenly serious again, gripping my chin in his hand so that I looked deep into his eyes. “I stayed away because I wanted you to get on your feet, become independent first. And now that I’m back,” he said determinedly, “it’s time to start up again.”

And with that, I gave in, my heart pumping, my pulse racing at a million miles an hour. Because although I hadn’t completely internalized Stone’s explanation, I did understand the words “I love you,” “I’ve fallen in love with you,” and “I’m in love with you.” And my lover had said those words repeatedly during our conversation, said them again and again for my benefit, to help explain things, help resolve outstanding issues.

So I threw my arms around him and caught his mouth in a kiss, infusing it with everything I felt for the man, how much I’d missed him, how much I adored him still.

“Fuck me Stone,” I breathed. “I’ve missed you so much.”

And the big man groaned deep in his throat, his hands possessive on my back, trailing up and down before reaching in front and cupping my tits, squeezing and fondling, pulling the nips and making me squeal.

“That’s it, baby girl,” he growled. “You’re a horny little girl with a slutty little cunt and a dirty little mouth. And baby,” he paused for emphasis, “I fucking love it.”

And I mewled into his mouth, twisting and turning, begging him to kiss me and the big man obliged. His mouth slammed onto mine, demanding, possessive, making me gasp with need, Stone drinking in each exhale, breathing me, savoring my essence.

“Fuck little girl,” he said hoarsely, his mouth trailing up and down my neck. “I’ve missed you so much. Let’s get you out of this,” he said, his hands already pulling at the wrap, the flimsy material gauzy and sheer.

But I had other ideas. Standing up, I leaned down for a kiss before backing away.