Evie was gorgeous when I caught a glimpse of her walking across campus. She’d put on weight which only made her more beautiful, that curvaceous figure even more exaggerated, her boobs and butt bouncing with each step. My mouth watered at the sight, my staff immediately punching out against my fly.
Down boy, I scolded. What the fuck, you haven’t seen her in a year and you’re already ready to fuck through a metal sheet.
But that was it exactly. I hadn’t seen Evie in a year and my body was dying for her, so hungry I was ready to tackle her on the campus green and ravage her right there in front of dozens of passerby. She was so juicy, so delectable that my cock started dripping, the front of my crotch growing wet, the fabric no match for the leaky faucet I’d become.
But just when I was about to cross the green and assault the curvy girl, a hulk of a teenage boy came into the picture, swinging his arm around Evie’s shoulders familiarly, making her smile at something. And her smile … god it was so beautiful, lighting up her face, making me ache inside and shudder too because it was for him, and not me.
I squinted again, trying to get a better look. That dumb fuckhead looked a little familiar. He was tall and really built-up, his sweater practically ripping apart like when Bruce Banner transforms into the Incredible Hulk. He had mud brown hair and … I squinted again, catching a glimpse of raging acne on his neck, the red skin painful and slightly moist and oozing.
It sprung into my head then. It was Chip McCreighton, Mr. Hot Shot football player from Spencer. The dude had followed Evie to college? What the fuck? This was a good school, how the fuck had he been admitted? But as another lunkhead came up and punched Chip on the shoulder, the two guys like walking talking refrigerators, it occurred to me. Chip must have been a special athlete admit, they needed him for football and not because of his intellectual achievements.
But all I cared about was my girl and my skin crawled at the way Chip’s arm was slung possessively around her waist, how he ushered her into the classroom, his hand sliding down slowly to almost, almost grab her ass. I practically blew my top off then. That ass was mine to grab, mine to touch and fondle and that fucker had just manhandled my property. Hands off, motherfucker! A group of coeds turned to look at me, eyes wide and shocked and I realized I’d literally been growling in my chest, my gaze murderous, my hands clenched in fists. Fuck, I needed to get a hold of myself before I was escorted off campus in cuffs.
But fuck. I turned and slowly walked back to my car, my body trembling, shaking with rage and repressed need. Because I craved Evie, a year apart had been too much, it’d been too fucking much and I was ready to explode at the seams, specifically at the seam at my crotch. My dick was hard and aching, the mere sight of the voluptuous girl enough to drive me into a frenzy, transform me into an animal. I had to see the girl, had to talk to her, make her understand why I’d gone missing … and why we should be together again.