Page 28 of The Naughty Virgin



I dialed Mindy on my phone, lying on my stomach in bed. The past week had been crazy and I could hardly believe it. I’d been Mr. Phillips’ fuck slut, doing him every which way, letting him do whatever he wanted to me. But it was more than that too. I’d said “I love you” in a moment of passion and although my lover hadn’t said it back, I could tell he felt it.

But Mindy’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Bitch is that you?” she chirped on the other end of the line.

I laughed, my line of thought dissipating like mist on a sunny day.

“Yeah girl, it’s me,” I said. “So sorry I’ve been out of touch. Things have gotten crazy,” I admitted. The thing is they were crazy and complicated on the outside, but I felt totally at peace internally. Things were so good with Mr. Phillips that I felt happy and comfortable. After all, I’d lost my virginity to the most gorgeous, amazing man I knew, and we had a real connection too.

But Mindy didn’t know any of this.

“Where’ve you been?” she chirped again. “Bitch it’s been three days and you know we don’t go three hours without texting.”

I sighed. That was true, Mindy and I were totally addicted to our phones, chattering back and forth all the time.

“I have so much to tell you …” I began, but was cut-off by a yelp on the other side. “Min?” I asked, “you okay?”

A scuffle and some crackling and then my friend came back on the line.

“Yeah, sorry I had to chase Boomer off. You know my little brother and all,” she apologized.

I laughed, I’d known Boomer since he was a baby and now in seventh grade, he was a bunch of trouble. Cute, but a little rat nonetheless.

“No worries, is he gone now?”

“Yeah, I locked him out of my room. So tell me girl, what’s going on with you? Where have you been? I missed you at lunch.”

And I launched into a description of the last few days, telling her everything about my time with Mr. Phillips, how we’d been meeting in the classroom, how I went over to his apartment for dinner.

“Are you serious?” breathed my friend. “He did what with the carrot?”

And I giggled then.

“Yeah, crazy right? I’d washed carrots for our dinner but never thought it’d be that kind of side dish.”

But Mindy was impressed. “Holy fuck, girl! You took carrot up your ass! How’d it feel? Did it hurt? Was it slimy? Oh my god.”

And I giggled again.

“Actually, Stone stretched me out with his fingers first,” I admitted. “He put a digit or two up my backside and scissored them so that helped.”

But Mindy was fascinated.

“Yeah, but how big was the carrot?” she asked. “Was it one of the ones you washed before dinner?”

And I laughed again.

“It was um … maybe seven inches? And no, I don’t think it was one of the ones I washed before. I think Stone put it in his bedside drawer before I got to his apartment as a surprise.”

And Mindy giggled then.

“Oh my god, Evie, you’re calling him Stone now, do you hear yourself? No more “Mr. Phillips” or “yes, sir,” it’s like you’re equals.”

And I smiled to myself because yeah, we were equals in the relationship.