I pondered the issue as I strolled home. We’d need to be careful, deliberate, even delicate in every public move. There was no way the world could find out about our twinsex although unfortunately, there were unmistakable traces of our illicit behavior.
The stripping in Vegas … I cursed when I thought back to it. It’d been fun but there were cameras in those clubs, recording every move, more to protect the club against any liability than to catch the depraved acts of patrons.
But with the evil eye of the press on us, it was completely possible that someone would piece two and two together and realize that the twincest boys of Lucky Paradise Two were actually the Sterling brother billionaires. Oh fuck.
As I opened the front door to the apartment, Karina confronted me, her face flushed, tears in her eyes.
“Caleb,” she pleaded. “Have you seen the article? Have you been to the DUP house?”
“I saw the article,” I said, “but what about the house?”
“It’s been vandalized,” she said tearfully. “Bricks have been thrown through the windows, there’s spray paint all over the walls making death threats, and there’s going to be a rally on the doorstep at three today. It’s awful,” she cried.
“Is there anyone still living there?” I asked, my face darkening.
“No, the university provided temporary accommodations to the brothers, but all anyone can talk about is “poor Sandy” and the culture of sexual violence at the school,” she said tearfully. “I can’t believe Brenda’s done this.”
“I can’t believe it either, but we’re going to prepare for the worst,” I said grimly. “We’re going to unravel this story even if it means hauling that bitch to hell by the roots of her hair,” I spat.
“Caleb,” Karina said in a wavery voice. “I wanted to let you know. Brenda’s asked me to come over, she says she needs emotional support. I said no, my brothers are named as attackers in the piece, I couldn’t possibly. But she’s so insistent. Do you think I should go?”
This was just the latest in a series of fucked up episodes. This Bey girl was so twisted that I wanted to throw her into an insane asylum where she belonged. But at the same time, my mind was whirring.
“Go ahead,” I said. “Say nothing, be careful, and just listen. Who knows what’ll happen? The crazy can only get crazier.”