Page 55 of The Naughty Virgin



Oh, fuck, the little girl had been delicious. We’d been moonlighting as strippers, it’s something my twin and I do sometimes for fun. It’s an amoral, anonymous weekend for all, no harm done.

And it’s not like anyone knows about it. Caden and I live in SF, Chief Tech Officer and Chief Finance Officer at Sterling Pharma. Meanwhile the clubs we work are in Vegas, five hours away and far removed from our day to day lives, so it’s unlikely we’d encounter someone we know. No one in our crowd goes to Lucky Paradise Two, they’re more into the high class joints like Whistles and Scores.

Besides, low profile is our style. Yeah, Sterling Pharma’s IPO made us rich as shit but my brother and I prefer to stay out of the limelight because of our fetish. Twinsex. Twincest. Yeah, that’s it. Our style isn’t exactly appreciated or understood by the general public, so Caden and I avoid publicity, happy to let our brothers Jake and Matt take the heat.

I guess you could say it started when we were twelve. Caden and I always shared a room and the world was becoming too small. Adolescence had struck us full force and suddenly we were inundated with thoughts of titties, dicks, balls, pussies, you name it. Hormones 101 run amok, unable to concentrate or focus on anything but the next orgasm.

One night, we’d looked at each other before snapping off the light, and I wasn’t surprised to feel my brother crawl into bed with me after five minutes of darkness.

“Caleb?” came his whisper.

“Yeah,” I answered throatily. And no more was needed.

I felt his mouth on my dick and fuck, it was amazing, the slick wetness, the hot cavern doing things to my body I’d never been able to do to myself. After sucking me off, Caden went back to his bed, but we were far from done. The next night I crawled onto his mattress and we began a round of exploration, sucking each other off, sixty-nining, tasting each other’s balls, all that kind of stuff.

I can’t remember the first time we had full-on sex, but it was during our parents’ divorce. They’d made the announcement and then doubled the whammy by informing us that Jake and Cade were moving to SF with Dad, leaving me and Matt in Wyoming with Mom.

Of course, my brother and I were devastated but we behaved like we thought real men should. There were no tears, no recriminations, no begging or pleading. Instead, we decided to step it up in our private lives before the separation.

I’d bought some condoms earlier that week although I’d never had sex before. More like I wanted to seem normal when my friends and I were joshing around at the local bodega, shoplifting shit, buying beer on the sly.

“You think you need Magnums?” one of my friends had asked with a nasty grin.

“Oh yeah,” I boasted. “I’m taking Marie Mathison out this weekend, we’ll be using them for sure.”

The fact was, I was taking Marie to the movies on Friday and we probably would get down. I wasn’t sure that a fifteen year old was going to let me bone her, but at the very least I should get some deep finger fucking in, maybe some camel-toe courtesy of her wet pussy.

And it had gone down beautifully. At this point, Cade and I were already six feet tall, maybe not filled out all the way but certainly handsome juvenile males. Marie was more than willing, hooking her panties to the side as soon as the theater darkened and reaching for my hand.

“Stroke me?” she said coyly.

Yes, please. I ran my fingers up and down that snatch during the opening credits, savoring that puffy, wet flesh, and by the first scene, Marie was already moaning breathily, stuffing a fist into her mouth to muffle her cries.

I turned up the heat by strumming and rubbing her clit during a particularly dramatic interlude and Marie let one go, her convulsions arcing her back, the girl sliding down from her seat in a spineless heap on the floor, panting and gasping.

But that’s when I handed over the reins. Marie wormed her way up my body between my thighs and lo and behold, the little slut had taken off all her clothes. Not just her panties but every single item of clothing, one hundred percent slippery, butt naked teen girl in my hands. Clearly overwhelmed, my dick punched to attention, ramrod straight, eager to find the hole of heaven.

Needless to say, Marie fucked me hard in the back of the theater, any pretense of watching the movie long gone. She rode my dick for all it was worth, popping my cherry and leaving me panting and covered with juices, totally sated, my clothes a wreck when I got home.

Thankfully the house was dark but Cade was still up when I entered our room.

One eyebrow arched. “Good time?” was all he said, noting the stain on my jeans, dried and crusty, probably a pool of dried cum.

“Yeah,” I barked harshly. “Real good.”

I snapped off the light to get into bed and not five minutes later, Cade was lying with me, his arms circling my waist.

“I found the condoms you bought,” he said in a low voice. “Who were they for?”

I sighed. “No one. It was just … I dunno, I wanted to buy them, that’s all,” I shrugged.

“You know Mom and I are leaving next week,” he said darkly, his lips brushing my cheek oh so softly.

I sighed again. “I know brother, I know.”