This was so fucking wrong. I was supposed to be tutoring Evie for a fucking test, and instead I was fucking my student. Correction. I hadn’t fucked her yet, but I was about to and nothing was going to stop me. A nuclear blast, a hurricane, absolutely nothing was getting between me and that untouched pussy.
Because I couldn’t wait. There was just something so tantalizing about fresh pussy, that kitty untouched, having never harbored a man’s dick before. And the fact that it was Evie’s kitty? Even better. The teen was everything that I ever wanted, sweet, generous, not at all stuck up despite being at this snooty school.
That’s one of the things I hate about Spencer, why I want to get away. The kids here aren’t the type that I can really help. They’ve already got every resource at their fingertips and yet some are still flunking, completely uninterested in anything academic. I’m not expecting Einsteins but I do expect the students to be somewhat motivated, to at least care about their own futures. But these kids … I guess when your family’s got that much money, it’s hard to see the point of school.
So I tossed away the grading I was doing, the papers landing in a messy pile, my body restless, my mind whirling at a hundred miles an hour. God, when was she going to get here? The bell had rung ten minutes ago and I was sitting in the darkened classroom like a lion awaiting its prey.
Suddenly, a soft knock came on the door and then it opened quickly, the brunette slipping inside before quietly shutting the door behind her.
I didn’t say anything at first, just took in her beautiful form, my eyes running appreciatively over every curve, every sensuous S of her body. Evie was wearing something sexy today, but then she’d look sexy in just about anything. The brunette had a skirt on, knee-length, in a red and blue plaid as well as a white blouse that tucked in, highlighting the generous curves of her breasts.
And she shot a quick smile at me.
“Hi Mr. Phillips,” she said, a little shy suddenly. “Sorry I’m late. I couldn’t get away from Math for whatever reason,” she explained, rolling her eyes.
But I knew exactly why.
“You taking trig with Lester Holmes?” I asked, hackles raised.
And the brunette confirmed it, nodding.
“Yeah, Mr. Holmes is super nice and always wants to make sure that we understand the concepts. I asked a question during class and he had me stay late so that he could explain things further, really make sure everything was clear.”
I snorted then. Les Holmes was a dirty freak and he had his mind on a lot more than just math.
“Listen,” I said casually, leaning back in my chair. “Be careful around that guy okay? Les Holmes seems okay on the outside but you can never really tell.”
Evie cocked her head at me curiously.
“What do you mean?”
And I just sighed. The little girl really had no idea of how appealing she was, genuine, sweet, and smart, all rolled up in a curvy, sexy package, nor did she have any idea that guys were dogs, even teachers who were supposed to be mentors and guides.
“All I’m saying is, be sure to look over your shoulder, you know?” I rumbled, getting up from my chair. “Don’t let Holmes get you into a classroom alone.”
Evie smiled sassily then.
“The way we are now, Mr. Phillips?” she asked provocatively, jutting a hip out. “I mean, I’m alone in a classroom with you right now. Am I in danger?”
And I was all over her then, taking her mouth in a deep kiss, parting her lips with my own, inhaling her scent as she sighed.
“Yeah, you’re in a lot of fucking danger,” I rasped down her throat, my hands stroking up and down her waist before coming around to weigh her breasts in my palms, squeeze that delectable flesh. “Because you’re about to get fucked.”
And I was afraid my crass words, the dirty talk would turn her off but the little girl’s lashes just fluttered, her body going soft in my arms.
“Am I?” she breathed, “Am I really? Then do it.”
And actions speak louder than words. I maneuvered her to the back of the classroom, next to my desk where I’d blown up an air mattress. Yeah, it’s not fancy at all, actually it’s pretty pathetic but I’d tried to make it nice. The mattress was covered with a silk sheet and I’d put some flowers next to it, plus a couple candles so the darkened classroom flickered with romantic ambience.
“For me?” she breathed sassily. “Oh my.”
And I groaned against her neck.
“Honey, I’m sorry it’s not fancy but the next time, it will be, I promise,” I ground out into her smooth flesh. “I didn’t want to jump the gun and scare you, I wanted to keep you in an environment you knew, were familiar with, but at the same time … I can’t wait any longer.”