Page 10 of The Naughty Virgin



My secret was out. My embarrassing, humiliating secret had been discovered in the most embarrassing, humiliating way. Because how many eighteen year old virgins exist? I was probably the only one alive, the only girl who’d never had her cherry popped.

I dunno, I just never found the right guy, never found a man I wanted to be with. Like I said, until last year hardly any guys even noticed me, I was so boy-like and flat. And the few dates that I did go on were completely uninteresting, in fact they kind of turned me off the male sex. One guy had been like a slavering dog, his kiss had drenched me in saliva and I was grossed out, it was so smelly and disgusting.

And another guy had had a really high pitched voice, like an Oompa Loompa who’d inhaled helium for fun. I don’t mean to be crazy picky but it wasn’t my thing, and it crossed my mind that maybe he had some kind of hormonal disorder that I’d never heard of.

So I stuck with my naughty books, staying up nights to read on my Kindle, a hand between my legs. Except the fantasies left me with an unfortunate problem – my virginity, which Mr. Phillips had just discovered.

“I –I’m so sorry,” I whispered, unable to meet his eyes. “I thought if I didn’t say anything, you’d ….” I couldn’t even finish, I was so miserable.

“You thought I’d push my dick in and it’d be too late?” the big man ground out, his eyes never leaving my face, my body.

I nodded miserably, ducking my head.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated again, already reaching for my clothes. Suddenly I couldn’t get out of the biology classroom fast enough. I wanted to lock myself in the women’s restroom and cry silently, let the tears stream hotly down my cheeks in privacy, my shoulders heaving with repressed sobs.

Besides, I was sure Stone was going to kick me out anyways. Scratch that. My teacher would laugh in my face first and then kick me out, incredulous that there was actually a virgin in our midst, a girl untouched and unwanted.

So I struggled into my panties, eyes brimming with tears when I felt a big hand on my waist.

“Where are you going?” a deep voice rumbled.

I didn’t look up. Better to get out of there before I burst into tears, a waterfall of sobs.

“Back to class,” I mumbled. “Gotta swing by my locker, pick up some stuff, gotta get to Math,” I babbled, incoherent, choking a little.

But big, warm hands literally picked me up by the waist, taking me by surprise, and gently maneuvered me into his lap, his thighs warm and hard against my ass, strong arms surrounding me, cradling me.

“Now why would you do that?” Stone nuzzled against my neck, his breath hot against my skin. “What’s the rush?”

“It’s lunch,” I babbled again, although I was as still as a doe under his touch. “I have to get ready for next period.”

Stone chuckled against my hot skin.

“There’s still twenty minutes before next period,” he murmured, “and you taste so sweet,” he rumbled, licking up my neck.

I shivered involuntarily then, sighing a bit, gasping, his touch like magic.

“But … but …” I hesitated.

“But you thought I wouldn’t want you because you’re a virgin?” he said, finishing my thoughts, tracing his tongue around my ear now, caressing the soft shell.

And I nodded wordlessly, hope rising in my chest. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Phillips wouldn’t hold it against me. Maybe he could forgive me, look around the fact that I was untested, untouched.

And Stone merely chuckled as if reading my mind.

“Baby,” he said soothingly, one hand now caressing a breast, squeezing the soft flesh, weighing it in his palm. “There’s nothing more exciting to me than knowing you’re a virgin. Knowing that no man’s ever touched you before, that I’m going to be the first … and maybe the only,” he said, his voice dropping an octave.

The knowledge surged through me like a wave. Stone liked the fact that I was a virgin? That no man had touched me in my private parts, that no man had ever run his dick into my sweet, wet cunt? It made me shiver, suddenly uncontrollably happy, beaming with light. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Mr. Phillips,” I said seriously, looking deep into those blue eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay with it, that you’re my first, I mean?” I asked, still tentative. “I understand if you don’t want to be, a lot of people don’t want to be the first.”

And the big man just chuckled deep in his throat.

“I get it,” he rasped. “Taking a virgin is a big responsibility, but honey I’d be honored. I want to, in fact I need to, and besides, it’s too late now,” he said.