She ran a finger down the list, her lips moving as she counted. When she reached the bottom, her eyes widened. “More than a few, soldier.”

“I don’t know if I can be that man,” he said in the interests of fairness and full disclosure. “The one on your list. But I want to try.”

“Good,” she whispered, pressing her lips against his mouth. “You are aware that as the number of trials increases, so does the probability of success?”

“So we should do this again.” A grin flashed across his face. “Often. And in bed.”

She grinned at him. “Absolutely.”

“You know what this means, right?” he asked, moving in for another smoking-hot kiss. “One hundred percent probability of love.”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from TAKEN BY STORM by Heather MacAllister.

Ten years ago one devastating night changed everything for Austin, Hunter and Alex. Now they must each play their part in the revenge against the one man who ruined it all.

Austin Treffen has the plan… Hunter has the money… Alex has the power!

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Avenge Me by Maisey Yates

Scandalize Me by Caitlin Crews

Expose Me by Kate Hewitt

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ZOEY ARCHER WAS three steps away from her desk when the phone rang. Three steps toward her first weekend off in months. And she hadn’t even left early, unlike all but one of her colleagues—the weird girl who spoke to people in a variety of accents and dressed in monotone outfits that didn’t quite match under the greenish fluorescent light of the Loring Industries customer-service call center, deep in the heart of Texas.

The phone chirped again. Weird Girl shot a look at Zoey, grabbed a pinkish red jacket and ran out the door before the call could roll over to her section. Zoey wondered what life Weird Girl was running to because nobody chose working in a megacorporation’s customer-service call center as a career. This was a survival job, one people kept to pay a few bills until they became successful in their real lives.

Zoey’s real life, however, was...complicated, meaning she’d taken a few wrong turns on the road to success. She wanted a career where she could help people, but, to be honest, many people no longer wanted her help—specifically, those she’d encountered in the health-care and teaching professions, the food-service and travel industries and anyone who ran a children’s summer camp. People loved her, at least in the beginning. She was described as sincere, enthusiastic and full of great ideas. She’d also been called impulsive, but Zoey considered herself proactive. She took charge and made things happen.

Unfortunately, some of those proactive things had been mistakes. Huge mistakes. Expensive mistakes. Her intentions had been good, but the execution was flawed, as they say.

But she was always a big girl about it. When she messed up, she accepted responsibility, apologized, tried to fix whatever she’d gotten wrong and paid for any damage, even when she couldn’t afford it. Did she learn from her mistakes? Sure. Did she get a chance to prove it to those she’d wronged? No.

She understood why people were reluctant to give her a second chance. Money couldn’t fix everything and some opportunities were lost forever.

However, recommending a competitor’s product because Loring’s cream caused a rash had not been a mistake...even though going off script had landed her on the night and weekend shift in the shipping center to prevent her from talking to actual customers. And it had cost her a boyfriend, who hadn’t liked the fact that she worked every night. But even that hadn’t been a mistake.