“You’re so unpredictable,” he told her.

Dani smiled up at him. She was loving this and he loved her.

“I am?”

That was definitely laughter in her voice, and she wiggled an arm between them, using her fingers to draw over the hard line of his erection.

He never figured he’d be taking notice of what a woman was wearing, but the corset-style top tied with a thin ribbon crisscrossing over her breasts demanded his attention. His fingers itched to undo her as he slid a hand up her bare leg toward the edge of her cotton shorts. So many places to get started.

“Are you enjoying this so far?” he teased.

“Well,” she said, pressing closer and wrapping a leg around his hip so that his erection was cradled between her thighs, “I guess that depends. On what my options are.”

His fingers flicked open the first bit of ribbon, revealing a pink, lacy bra. When he stroked the backs of his fingers along the edge, he almost brushed her nipple. She was exquisitely soft.

“I’ve got some ideas.”

* * *

DANI REACHED OUT to meet those strong, comforting arms coming around her. There was no better way to spend an afternoon, and she could have stayed like this forever—lost in his embrace.

His small grunt of pleasure said he liked this, too; his eyes were wide and dancing as he rubbed lightly over what he’d bared. As if this little touch, skin to skin, was enough for him in this moment. Her lashes drifted closed as his hands traced her shoulders, sliding down her arms in an unhurried caress, as if he had all the time in the world, and even if he didn’t, this closeness, this intimacy, would be enough. Rick hadn’t been interested in closeness or intimacy, only in gratifying himself. She pushed the memories away. Rick wasn’t here. Daeg was.

Sweet, hot pleasure stoked her desire as he kissed her and placed his hand gently at the back of her neck. They’d been at odds minutes ago. Now all she could think of were kisses. His kisses. She shouldn’t have started this, but she didn’t want to fight with him. Not when his tongue had caught hers in that decadently carnal trap of him.

When he finally lifted his head and broke their kiss, she opened her eyes and met his warm gaze. He smiled slowly, a sexy grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “There you are,” he said.

He seemed impossibly male. His expression was more primitive, more protective than any other she’d ever seen, and she wanted him. Right here, where she could almost reach out and touch the ocean, where anyone visiting Sweet Moon could see them.

His hands made short work of her clothes. One loop of ribbon at a time, he peeled the blouse away until she was gasping from the thrill. Each soft brush of his fingers fired up her desire even more. She had to have him naked, now. Her bra disappeared as quickly as the top, and then only her white thong remained, a narrow strip of lace and cotton the only barrier between him and where she wanted him.

He eased her back and moved to lie between her legs. One big hand teased the sensitive top of her inner thigh, while his other hand traced a naughty path along the curve of her stomach.

“Your skin is like silk.” He murmured the compliment against her belly. She wasn’t sure about the silk part, but there was no mistaking the need in his eyes when he glanced up at her. She could feel the hard erection pressing against her core. He wanted her. He was looking at her and he wanted her. His hand traveled down from her hip to her thigh, moving inward.

“Beautiful,” he whispered harshly, and slowly he slipped her panties down. The scrap of fabric disappeared somewhere, and she couldn’t bring herself to care because he was staring at her, that burning desire captured in his eyes.

She reveled in that gaze. He made her feel feminine and powerful, sure in her body for the first time in a long time. Her need for him to be inside her was almost more than she could control. She moaned as he leaned closer. Nothing stood between her and him.

Finally, finally, he reached out, lightly stroking her sex. Yes. The heat pooling inside her surged again, making her cry out and shift restlessly for more of that knowing touch. One hand, curled around her thigh, tugged her closer until she was perfectly aligned with him.

“Let go,” he said. “I’ve got you.”

His intimate touch was pure bliss, and she relished every white-hot sensation that followed. Her heart raced as Daeg caressed her slowly, thoroughly, and learned her every intimate need as he watched her face.

“Do you like this?” His fingers pressed lightly over her clit. She smiled ear to ear, and he smiled back. He dropped kisses on her lips, her cheek, her neck. She never wanted this to end.