“You could say that.”

“I am.” He squeezed her hand. “I want us to start over. I want a second chance. And—” he paused, fishing in his pocket “—I want you to wear this again. For us.”

He held out the ring. There was no denying that it was beautiful, an heirloom piece with two centuries of love stories. She’d been thrilled with it and had had to have it when they’d found it at an estate sale.

Two months ago she wouldn’t have hesitated. Rick was a known quantity, or so she’d thought. He was easy to predict and she always knew exactly what to expect from him. She didn’t think that had changed. Besides, making this thing work with Daeg Ross was impossible. What she had with him was just sex. He’d re-up as soon as his leg healed and he’d be shipping out. Somehow, though, Rick’s ring wasn’t as appealing as it had been.

Rick waggled the diamond at her. “Put it on?”

She was still staring at the ring when Daeg pulled into the driveway.

Hello, surprise visitor. He was wearing worn canvas shorts and an equally battered T-shirt, but there was nothing casual about his expression. He looked fierce. And more than a little upset.

She was immensely happy to see him, though, and that was a problem.

“Who’s this?” His cold gaze shot straight to Rick, before dropping to the ring. No hello or “hi, how are you,” either. “Jewelry salesman?”

Rick stood up, the move putting him nose to nose with Daeg. “Rick Lane.”

He extended his hand, but Daeg ignored it.

“I’m Dani’s fiancé.”

“Not anymore,” she interjected, because making that clear was now particularly important. Daeg looked tired, so he’d probably been going from dawn to dusk.

“Nice.” Daeg snagged the ring, turning it in the light. Whatever he was thinking, he kept those thoughts to himself.

“Two and a half carats, emerald cut. It’s a good investment piece.” Rick smiled at her, his gaze meeting hers in a silent reminder. He’d joked when he gave her the ring that they could fund their retirement with it. Somehow, though, she couldn’t imagine herself waking up next to Rick in fifty years. Or even tomorrow. That was Daeg’s fault, she thought, glaring at the man in question.

He didn’t notice her stare. He merely turned her ring over in his fingers before popping the glittering band back into the velvet. “Because an engagement ring should be a financial asset. You putting this on?”

He held out the box to her with a small smile.

“That’s my job, buddy,” Rick said smoothly, lifting the box from Daeg’s hand. He turned back to Dani, shutting Daeg out. Dani recognized the move, a slick gesture she’d seen him perform a thousand times before. Daeg’s amused smile said he didn’t care. He didn’t say anything, though; he just stood there on her porch like he watched another man propose to his lover all the time.

She inhaled sharply, strangely hurt. Daeg looked familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The white edge of a bandage on his thigh peeked out from beneath the edge of his shorts, but he moved easily, and the only visible damage she could spot was the long scar from his previous injury. Still, she wanted to hold him, ask him if the past five days had been hard on him and if there was anything she could do, but he probably wouldn’t want that.

“No,” she said. “It’s no one’s job.”

She glanced at Daeg, and that could have been anger or sadness making her stomach lurch. He hadn’t made her any promises and she hadn’t asked for any. As for Rick, he was too late.

She wanted to be wanted.

She wanted Daeg to open his arms and then she wanted to run into them.

And how messed up was that?

The tension between the two men was apparent, like two junkyard dogs coming face-to-face. She didn’t need this. Not now.

“I’ve got a lot of work to do. You gentlemen can continue this conversation by yourselves.”

Turning, she headed back into the office. That she shut the door carefully rather than slamming it went into the victory column in her book.

* * *

MEETING DEEP DIVE’S obligations had kept him running flat-out. He’d swung by today to grab some clean clothes, uncertain how to face Dani or his own feelings. He’d planned on avoiding her until he had a plan.

Yeah. He was a real hero.

Because what did he say to the woman who’d shaken his world? He didn’t know how to have a long-term relationship. He didn’t know where to start, although talking was probably a requirement. Maybe she didn’t want to start anything with him? That was a distinct possibility, but as long as he avoided her, he could keep on wishing and dreaming she’d still want to have something to do with him. And that their one night hadn’t been their only night. He’d ask her, but only once he found the right moment. The moment when it looked like she might say his name when he asked what she wanted.