Daeg hesitated. “Be there in two,” he called.

Tag flashed Daeg a thumbs-up and disappeared into the shop. Dani caught the crackle of a radio and a roomful of whiteboards, posters with pins and enough computer hardware for a small country. She could practically smell the urgency.

Daeg didn’t run, however. Instead, to her surprise, he looked at her. “I’ll take you to the storm shelter first.”

Apparently, her first refusal didn’t count, that or being a gentleman trumped everything else.

That was nice, but she understood priorities. And his offer still sounded lukewarm. She ignored the stab of disappointment. Mr. Ramsey was waiting for his pills and, from the sounds of things, Daeg had a date with Tag’s chopper.

Because she was still feeling wicked from last night, she reached up and cupped the back of his neck. He stilled. Yes, she had her hands on him in public where everyone on the island could see. Probably, they should have discussed ground rules for the morning after, but they hadn’t. So she did what she wanted to and slid her hand up over that strong, corded neck and buried her fingers in the soft, short hair. She also stepped in until her body brushed his.

He held his ground and she took that as permission. Last night he’d been hers. Today part of her wanted everyone to know that. Even if it might be simpler to let it go quietly and unheralded. She didn’t know what he wanted right now, and that was a problem.

“Thanks,” she said again, reaching up to brush her lips over his.

* * *

DANI’S LIPS TOUCHED his—once, twice—and Daeg had no idea what it meant. Or why he was even thinking about what a kiss might mean when he could be enjoying it. Really enjoying it. And in front of half the town.

Almost chaste at first, she threaded her fingers through his hair—he loved that—and deepened the kiss. He groaned. She sighed. Or maybe they both did. He couldn’t tell, didn’t care, in fact. No, he just stood there and kissed her and kissed her, their tongues exploring, until he finally had to come up for air.

“No worries. I can walk,” she said coolly, as if their last passionate embrace hadn’t happened at all, although her face was rosy red and he knew for certain she desired this as much as he did. After all, he knew her tells now. That little pulse thudding at the base of her throat? That was 100 percent arousal right there. “You’re needed here. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your job.”

Logically, he knew she’d cover the blocks to the storm shelter just fine. There was nothing happening on that stretch of sidewalk other than a few monster-size puddles, and she was already toeing off her flip-flops.

She’d be fine.


And yet she was walking away from him and there was nothing fine about it.


Five days later

SITTING IN SWEET Moon’s front office, Dani didn’t need to look at her calendar to know exactly how many days it had been since the storm. She’d never planned on happily ever after, but part of her had been hoping for more than one night. That part of her kept checking email and voice mail—now that service had been restored to the island—and had her rushing to the window every time gravel crunched on the drive. The part that thought seeing Daeg Ross again was a very good idea, or certain parts of him, at least.

She didn’t want forever, but she definitely wanted the rest of the summer.

Unfortunately, Daeg had pulled a disappearing act. Of course, she should give him credit for the role he was taking in the island’s cleanup. He and Deep Dive were in high demand. When she’d walked away from him the morning after the storm, he’d had his game face on—the quintessential military man on a mission, directing ops. The man who kept them all safe. He was everywhere—but back in her arms. So was she just a one-night rescue? Another day on the job for him?

As far as she could tell, he hadn’t been back to Sweet Moon.

Which was probably her answer right there.

Nevertheless, her libido was apparently more optimistic than the rest of her because when car wheels sounded on the driveway, she had to check. Just in case. When she squinted out the window into the bright sunlight, however, there was no Daeg in sight, only an expensive rental car. Most of the tourists went for the simpler, cheaper rentals, but the local agency kept a few of the larger, tougher, more expensive SUVs on hand.

Whoever the driver was, his credit was good.

She checked the reservation book. She didn’t have any notes for today, so this was probably a walk-in. She got ready to smile and act welcoming. Two minutes later, the door tinkled its corny music as the new arrival stepped in, and it was immediately clear why he hadn’t called ahead for a reservation.