The wicked sensations continued. He made her writhe. She’d never experienced such outright bliss. She placed a hand on his head to encourage him and felt the soft rasp of the military cut beneath her fingertips.


He chuckled and he gave her what she wanted. “Dani, you have no idea how lovely you are.”

His tongue resumed its decadent path over her, and then she was lost, the sensations too strong, too fast.

“Daeg—” His name shot out of her mouth, a fierce demand.

Her thighs trembled, and Daeg’s addictive kisses sent her over the edge. For a long moment, she was aware of nothing but him as she rode out her orgasm in a wave of breathless satisfaction.

“Hoorah,” she said weakly. Oh, yes. He was good.

And he wasn’t done yet. Thankfully, he wasn’t done.

“Wrong branch, honey.”

She felt his warm laugh against her skin as he eagerly lifted her into his arms.


“BED. IT’S DEFINITELY time to try the bed.” Daeg stood and carried Dani toward the four-poster. “The night’s not over yet.”

He held her close, savoring the feel of her, bare and relaxed, her hair tumbling over his arm. Her arms locked around his neck, hanging on for the short trip. He wouldn’t drop her. Never that.

When he reached the bed, he tossed back the covers and set her down. “Be right with you.”

She smiled and did a full-body stretch. He still couldn’t quite believe that they were here together after all this time.

He snagged a condom from his wallet and tore the packet open. Hotfooting it to the bed, he grinned when Dani’s fingers helped him roll the latex down his shaft. He loved the sexy look of concentration on her face as she adjusted the fit and ran a finger along his hard length. She drove him crazy.

When he dropped onto the bed, she said, “Gotcha.”

In one smooth move, she was seated face-to-face with him on his lap, one thigh on either side of his. Her heat pressed against him was a happy torment. He couldn’t wait much longer. Leaning forward, she ran her fingers down his chest and mischief flashed across her face.

“I’ve got an idea.” She rose up onto her knees so that the tip of him brushed her intimately. Yeah. He liked this idea of hers.

“You up for a ride, cowboy?”

His fingers steadied her hips as she teased his hard length mercilessly.

“Dani—” he groaned, having reached the end of his patience.

“Ten years,” she whispered. “You made me wait ten years for this, Daeg. You owe me at least ten minutes.”

Maybe that was true. She slowly lowered herself over his erection until he was buried deep inside her, their bodies one.

Still kneeling, she pushed up and then came back down. She repeated the motion over and over, riding him, delighting him. He got his hands underneath her to help her.

“Let me.” The words sounded like a hoarse plea.

“Yes.” She relaxed into his hold and he took over, pressing up into her as his fingertips stroked her intimately. As he felt their control slipping, the first heady rush of mind-numbing satisfaction overtook them. He heard his own answering cry as he climaxed and wrapped his arms around her.


No way he’d let go now.

* * *

HE DIDN’T ROLL over and fall asleep.

He didn’t hop out of bed, shower and make a quick exit.

Of course, the raging storm probably had something to do with that, but Daeg still had an arm around her and pulled her close after they’d finished making the bed shake. He was gloriously, spectacularly naked, his legs tangled up with hers, and he seemed in no rush at all.

“You,” he said, his fingers exploring a sensitive spot on her neck, “are amazing.”

She held her tongue because asking for an itemized list of what had worked for him probably would kill the moment. Okay. Scratch that. Would definitely kill the moment. Instead, she settled for lying there, enjoying the afterglow. Enjoying Daeg.

“You’re quiet.” His teeth nipped at her earlobe, his big hands loosely around her waist.

“Thanks for the compliment.” Maybe he wouldn’t notice her awkwardness? “You, too.”

The storm lent her its own version of a cover-up—a loud boom, followed by a lengthy screech. Something huge must have been blowing around and had landed nearby.

His arms tightened. That was nice.

There was now an eerie silence. What was happening outside? “Should we investigate?”