His hand cupped her cheek, stroked a teasing path along her jaw. “At this. Us. Kissing you.”

“Okay,” she said and he blinked. Maybe he’d expected convincing her to take longer, so she explained. “I’m going to let you seduce me because it’s safer that way.”

“Wow.” He drew back.

She slid her arms up around his neck. He wasn’t getting away from her now. “It’s a risk-management technique,” she assured him. “Offset one risk with another risk.”

“I’m a risk?”

Using those terms, it didn’t sound sexy at all. She’d give him that. Still, he was smiling that naughty, knowing grin of his. So maybe he wasn’t too put off.

“Uh-huh.” He knew it, too, given how he was leaning into her, closing the small space between them.

Oh, yes, he was good. Her heartbeat was racing and she was trying not to pant. This was her seduction. She was in charge here.

“You’re—” Daeg’s lips feathered over hers and she forgot how to think. His mouth covered hers, and she realized that ten years had only made him a better kisser. He kissed her with a whole lot of demand and heat, his hands buried in her hair, urging her on.

“I deserve this,” she said finally, tearing her mouth away from his with a gasp.

“Yeah? You want Mr. All Wrong?” There was laughter in his voice again, which was okay. She felt happy, too.

“Absolutely.” She smiled at him.

His fingers caressed her sensitized skin. “What do you deserve?”

This was the part where she was supposed to come up with something scintillating and deliciously naughty. Yet she was empty. All she could do was stare into his deep, dark eyes.

“What do you want, Dani?” That raw voice of his made her body soar.

“Why?” she asked. “Are you going to give it to me?”

“Anything,” he replied. “All you have to do is tell me what you want. What you fantasize about.”

What she was fantasizing about was right in front of her. And if she was being honest, she’d never entirely forgotten Daeg Ross. Now, here he was, ready to indulge in a summer fling. It seemed the perfect means to prove to herself that she was unpredictable and exciting. No-holds-barred sex with Daeg—really, really hot sex—was exactly what she wanted. This wasn’t happily ever after—but it was happily right now, and that was more than enough.

“Okay.” It was funny how a life-changing event could be boiled down to two syllables.

He smiled. “So that’s definitely a ‘Yes, Daeg, ravish me right here and now’?”

“I don’t want to talk anymore,” she said, curling into his side. She let her hand drift over his stomach. Bold. Daring. That was who she wanted to be tonight. He didn’t seem to mind her initiative, either. On the contrary, he shifted closer until her hand was brushing his erection. She’d imagined how he would feel, but the thick, hard length of him was better than any fantasy.

“May I?” Her hand bumped against the waistband of his sweats.

His masculine groan was sweet satisfaction for her. He sprawled on the love seat like a big, predatory cat, waiting for her to touch him. She stroked him through the fabric of his sweats, tracing the long length. She took her time, because he was right. They had an entire night. Even if the storm stopped, it would be crazy to attempt the roads in the dark. Her soldier would insist on waiting until daylight. It would be safer, and he wanted her safe.

She didn’t want to play it safe anymore.

“Kiss me,” she demanded, and he pulled back.

Disappointment stabbed at her, but he searched her face. “You sure this is what you want?” he asked.

“No more talking,” she reminded him. “Remember?”

“Got it.”

He kissed her, a long, hot kiss that made her ache. She wanted this man. Better yet, he clearly wanted her.

* * *

DANI’S TANK TOP slipped down nice and easy when he hooked a thumb under a lacy strap and nudged. That inch of revealed skin made him want more. He wanted everything off, but the rules of the game they were playing demanded slow and sweet, so he stroked his thumb over the skin he’d uncovered.

He wanted her.

All of her.

Wanted to lay her down on the rug in front of the fireplace and know every secret she was hiding beneath that slip of a shirt. “No more talking,” he agreed. She tilted her head back. The heat from the fire had dried her hair into waves and he reached out, capturing a curl. The fine hair clung to his finger, wrapping around him.