Daeg moved confidently around her cabin, his body taking up large amounts of space. He prowled like a big cat confined in a small cage. He’d prefer to be outside, doing.

“You’d scar them for life,” she quipped.

“They’d love it,” he countered. “Especially if we had granddaughters.” He shot her a wicked grin. “All that romance. Marooned in the storm.”

He fluttered his eyelashes dramatically at her. So he wasn’t serious about the dating remark. Part of her was relieved.

Unfortunately, part of her was also disappointed. Her libido reigned.

With his hair wet and his T-shirt plastered to his chest and every inch of his broad shoulders, he looked so hot. Being this close to him, there was no missing the muscled definition in his chest and forearms. Getting her hands on him seemed like a really good idea. She dropped her gaze to his powerful thighs—with that six-inch gash staring accusingly at her. Here she was ogling the man and he was injured.

“Your leg—” She stopped and gestured at his wound. She wasn’t a nurse and although she was concerned, she had no idea what to offer. A bandage and some antibiotic ointment didn’t seem like enough. Not knowing what to say to him—especially since he’d been injured helping her—was cringe-worthy.

“Will be fine.” He dismissed her worry. “I’ve had worse.”

“Shouldn’t you get off your feet, at least?” After all, he hadn’t been able to drive the Jeep.

“I don’t want it to stiffen up. Walking a little is good.”

“But no driving.”

“No,” he agreed curtly. “No driving.”

That was a clear no-trespassing sign. Discussing the leg was off-limits.

He stopped by the front windows covered with aluminum hurricane panels. “You’ve got storm shutters.”

“My grandparents had them installed fifteen years ago. They lost every window in the place and Sweet Moon was closed for weeks because of the water damage inside the cabins.”

He nodded. “Smart move on their part. I remember that storm. She was a doozy.”

“School was closed for a week.”

He’d been a few years ahead of her, which, when you were a teen, was pretty huge. He and his friends had seemed almost godlike. The crush she’d had on him then made her smile now. She used to think Daeg was cute, but that was nothing compared to what she thought of him today. The notion of spending just one night with him—even if it was because they were trapped by the storm—had heat curling through her body.

She needed to think about what was happening, not about Daeg, so she said the first thing that popped into her head.

“Good thing I’m ready.”

* * *


Damned if he couldn’t stop staring at her mouth—or keep from indexing all the sensual implications of her statement. Daeg had never cared much for reason. No, he acted on instincts honed by years of grueling work and preparation. Dani, however, clearly liked to think things through a lot. While he could see teasing the seam of her lips with his tongue until she was good and ready, she headed straight to the closet and brought out an enormous box labeled Storm Supplies on all four sides. She maneuvered the box into the center of the room, and he couldn’t help noticing her firm ass.

“I need to make a list,” she grumbled, and he shook his head.

“You have lists for everything.” He’d seen her office and he was still scared.

“I’m organized.”


“I have everything on the FEMA hurricane checklist,” she pointed out, opening the box of supplies. “Six gallons of water, three days’ worth of canned food, four flashlights, eight extra batteries.”

He let her talk on and on while he considered their options. She definitely had two of everything they’d ever possibly need. That was all good, but that one box held more than enough canned goods to survive a full-blown apocalypse for a week. The talking-things-through thing clearly worked for her, because she was smiling and seemed relieved when she finally finished and sank back on her haunches. She stared up at him and something deep inside him came alive. She was messy and rumpled, and the portion of her hair that wasn’t flat was standing on end. She was also soaking wet and, despite the summertime temps, he didn’t like the blue tinge to her lips. He needed to get her warmed up and out of those clothes.

And just like that, his body did some warming up of its own at the thought of Dani naked. While he tried to banish a nice little erotic fantasy from his head—of him slowly peeling her clothes off and massaging and rubbing her all over—she returned to her inventory.