Page 36 of Caged Heat

“I know,” he interrupted before I could say anything else. “If… if you hadn’t gotten pregnant with me, would you have married Dad?”

Sucking in a breath, my eyes glanced up to see what Jackson was doing. He was still putting things away, but I could tell he was listening, even if not intentionally.

“That’s difficult to say. I loved your father very much, and we did get pregnant young. It was never a question of whether or not we’d do it together. That was just how we worked. But if we hadn’t gotten pregnant…” I trailed off as I thought about it, biting my lip.

“I’m not sure. He wanted to be a lawyer, and I was undecided. We might’ve made it through four years of college and law school together.” I shrugged. “He was the first guy I dated, kissed, and, well, you know. The girl I was loved him with her whole heart. I don’t know who I would be if he hadn’t died and left me to raise you alone. Our life was hard at times, but I loved our journey. I wouldn’t change that. And now, I’m getting a second chance.”

I held my breath as I let that nugget sink in.

“Does that mean you’re dating someone?” he asked, sounding hopeful.

“Yeah. I am.” I left it at that, not ready to dive into the fact it was two someone’s.

“Wow. I’m so happy for you, Mom! When can I meet him?”

“Oh? Um, soon. It’s still new, so you know. But I would like that. I miss seeing you.”

“Yeah? I miss you too. Sometimes I let Ash get in my head.”

“About what?” I asked, my blood boiling at the implication.

“It’s nothing. I’m just glad to hear that. I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks for the advice, Mom.”

“You’re welcome, Son. Though I’m not sure what advice I gave you.”

“That’s the best kind. I’ll let you go, but let me know when you’re ready. I’d love to meet the man who’s caught your attention. I have years of pent-up energy to expend on someone since I never got to do it while I was young.”

“Ha-ha.” Mack laughed, the sound more light than he’d been earlier.

“Love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, Mack-a-doodle.”

“Ugh, Mom,” he teased. “Bye.”


Setting the phone back on the counter, I smiled as I turned to face Jackson. He was watching me, a soft look on his face. He walked closer, drawing me into his arms.

“So, it sounds like your son wants to meet his new daddy.”

Slapping his arm playfully, I grinned as I pushed out of his arms. “You wish. If anything, August is the daddy,” I muttered.

Jackson froze, his brows raising at my comment. “What did you say?”

I waved him off, remembering I wasn’t supposed to say anything about the other. That had been one of the rules—no identifying information. Outside of August knowing Jackson was younger and we worked together, he didn’t know anything. And Jackson only knew that I’d known August for years but that he’d only now made a move.

The oven beeped, indicating it was preheated, so I opened the door and slid in the casserole I’d made earlier. I’d run out to get more drinks and the salad fixings when Jackson had arrived. I’d only let him in early at his promise to help. The doorbell rang, announcing August’s arrival. My whole body shook, knowing the two guys I was fucking and developing feelings for would be in the same room in mere seconds.

Smoothing my hands over my jeans and top, I glanced at Jackson, who was still frozen in the middle of the kitchen, a weird look on his face. The doorbell rang again, so I pivoted on my heels and hurried to it, hoping that Jackson wasn’t having second thoughts.

August’s imposing figure stood in the doorway, his brows raised as I swung open the door. My face heated as he took me in. I loved the way his eyes lingered over me as he devoured me in my jeans and black top—everything this man did made me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet.

“Hey,” I breathed, my words raspier than I intended. “Sorry, I was putting the food in the oven.”

“You look good, dove.” He stepped forward and kissed me, stealing the little breath I’d managed to reclaim. “You ready?” he asked, releasing my lips from the punishing embrace.

“I think I’m supposed to be asking that,” I teased, my heart slowing as I took in a deep breath. This was it. August interlocked our fingers as we walked to the kitchen. I still didn’t see Jackson, so I hoped he was still in the middle of the kitchen and hadn’t run out the back door.