Page 70 of Caged Heat

Jackson, August, and I decided to build a house together two years ago. They both wanted to stay with me every night, and my little bungalow was not big enough for three adults and all the stuff we had. Mostly Jackson. His closet alone was an entire room. Then there were the clothes he bought for me. And, of course, August and Jackson both wanted a home gym that rivaled Warrior Grounds. It overlooked a lake, and August had built me a gazebo. It was the perfect house; if I didn’t love my job so much, it would be difficult to leave it most days.

Between the house and the new company, my life was set. Then they proposed to me, shocking me even more. We had a wedding planned for the fall, but first, Mack and Steph were getting married, and I couldn’t be happier.

I loved Steph and the two of them together. They brought something out in each other that they both needed, and I was happy they’d found their way to love. Mack had proposed last year, and they planned the wedding for this summer once he completed his residency. He’d taken a job at the local hospital in the cardiology department and was looking forward to having more of a regular schedule. Steph told him he was cute for believing that. I agreed with her, but we let Mack believe what he wanted.

“You ready for this week?” Jackson asked, taking my hand in his.

“Absolutely. You know I love watching you fight, and our vacation afterward will be the first one I’ve taken in years. I can’t wait to be on the beach with a fruity drink and nothing to do.”

“Highly doubt there will be nothing to do. If I have anything to do about it, you’ll spend most of your time riding my dick until you’re so blissed out you forget your name.”

My face heated. After all this time, his dirty talk still got to me. “Well, I suppose that’s an acceptable plan too.”

He laughed, squeezing my hand. “Ella Bella, I love you so much. You’ve changed my life, baby.”

“And you, mine.” I grinned at him, excited about the week ahead of us.

When we arrived at the house, August was loading bags into his truck. I lifted my eyebrows at Jackson.

“How much stuff did you pack?” I’d counted at least six suitcases and three bags.

“Just the essentials.” He grinned, and I laughed. Knowing him, having multiple outfit options for each day was essential.

August opened my door before I could, and he pulled me from the car, kissing me before I took a step.

“Welcome home, Dove.”

“Hey,” I sighed breathlessly. The man could kiss, leaving me a bumbling mess in his wake.

“Don’t get carried away; we have a plane to catch,” Jackson tutted, checking the luggage in the truck and ensuring all of his stuff was loaded.

“It’s all there,” August huffed.

“Just checking,” Jackson said, smiling. August rolled his eyes, walking into the house with me. After a quick shower, I changed into the clothes Jackson set out for me and ate the food August had ready for me. The two pampered me so much that I worried I’d forget to function without them.

“I’ve double-checked everything is locked and off, set our messages away, and left all our details with Steph. I think we’re ready to go!” Jackson cheered. He grabbed my hand and led me to the truck, directing me to the back seat instead of the front. He climbed in the back with me, and August narrowed his eyes.


“You don’t even know what I’m thinking.”

August raised his brow, crossing his arms. I giggled, and August softened. “We’ll be late if we don’t leave soon. It will be fine,” I promised. August debated internally before cursing and climbing into the driver’s side. Jackson’s grin was wicked, and I was too intrigued to call him on it.

He was good for the first ten minutes and kept his hands to himself. August relaxed and focused on driving, asking Jackson questions about the guy he’d be facing.

Slowly, while he was talking, his fingers trailed over my skin, and I knew then that he’d picked this dress for a specific reason. The high slits gave him easy access while keeping his ministrations hidden.

“I’m confident I’ll have him worn out by the third round,” he said just as his fingers grazed over my clit. Spreading my legs wider, I gave him more access and reached over and squeezed him. He thought he could wind me up, but I’d grown a lot in my confidence in the past three years when it came to sex.

His eyes widened at my boldness, and he grinned, liking I was taking control. Shifting, I encouraged his finger forward and held back my moan as he plunged in. He didn’t waste time taking it slow, hitting me deep and fast.

August asked another question, but I didn’t hear it this time. I’d unbuttoned Jackson’s shorts and wrapped my hand around his cock, stroking him from the root to tip. He had two fingers scissoring me now, and I was close to coming already. Squeezing his dick, I smiled when his words faltered.

“Jacks?” August asked.

“Sorry, Ella’s strangling my dick, and it’s hard enough to think with my fingers deep inside her,” he boldly stated.

My eyes shot to the rearview mirror, meeting August’s just as Jackson curled his fingers and hit my G-spot. The heat and want in August’s green eyes was my undoing. My hand clamped around Jackson as I spasmed around his fingers. I didn’t hold the moan back this time, letting it out as I rode my orgasm. Jackson spilled over my fingers a moment later, filling the cab with the smell of our arousal.