Page 56 of Caged Heat

“That’s what I called him because he was always saying the dumbest things and getting his mouth washed out with soap,” she filled in once he stopped spinning her.

Mack froze in the doorway, taking in the chaotic and lively scene. I worried at first he’d bolt; not used to this many people in our house. But then I realized it was for an entirely different reason.

His eyes widened when they landed on Steph, and he swallowed as he looked her over. She was oblivious to him as she goaded Jackson and August, picking on them equally. Grinning, I had the perfect idea of how to pay Steph back for all her teasing.

“Steph, I’d like you to meet my son.” I pulled him over; his feet weren’t working, so I ended up dragging him. She spun, her blonde hair flying out around her as she spotted us. Steph stopped and smiled, her body frozen for the first time since I’d known her, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Mack, this is Steph. We used to work together. She’s also August’s niece.” I turned to my friend, a mischievous smile on my face. “So, Steph, is he a DTF or a DTR?”

Jackson, Mack, and Steph all froze at my words, turning to gape at me, and I realized I’d said something wrong. Steph broke first and bent over, holding her stomach as she laughed, then Mack joined in, no longer frozen. August glanced at them, lifting his brow and shrugging as he took his now-marinated meat to the grill.

“Oh, baby, you’re so cute,” Jackson cooed, pulling me away from the laughing pair and giving me a brief kiss.

Shrugging, I shook off my flaming face as I threw together a salad and steamed some vegetables. The promoter arrived a few minutes later, and Jackson ushered him outside after introductions. Steph decided to stay for dinner, suddenly very chatty with Mack. The two of them sat next to each other, talking in low tones at the outdoor table with beers in their hands.

I set the dishes down, taking in all the people, and felt loved and cherished as my eyes landed on them all. August placed the steaks on the table, pulling me back into his arms and dropping his chin on my shoulder. His arms wrapped around my front, and we stood there, watching the people we’d collected as our family. I knew he understood what I felt, having lived a big part of his life alone, too.

“I love you, Nora. I don’t think life could get any better than this.”

Grinning, I sank into his heat, agreeing with him as we just took in the view.

“Do you know what DTF or DTR means?” I asked, tilting my head back. “Dateable thrifty friend? Dishonest thirsty reprobate?” My forehead creased as I tried to piece it together.

He snorted, shaking his head as he pulled me down to the table, passing the steaks and burgers out to who they belonged, chatter falling over us as everyone joined in.

I hadn’t known my life would end up here, often believing I’d never be happy again as I trudged along day-to-day.

There were no longer microwave dinners or double shifts, replaced with home-cooked meals and double cuddles. Long gone were the lonely nights and empty mornings, now full of adventures and sexy times.

It might’ve taken me until forty to get here. But as I glanced around at the men I loved, the friends I had, and my son, I knew I was right where I wanted to be. And hopefully, later, that would include being sandwiched between my two boyfriends as they tore off my wickedly scandalous underwear.

I might not know what DTF or DTR stood for, but I was okay with that. Besides, orgasms trumped almost anything, and I had them in abundance.

And all I had to do was let go.


Steph and Mack’s story unfolds next with an extended ending for our trio.



I’d always considered myself a rational person. I didn’t take things too seriously and worked hard to achieve my dreams. Thanks to my uncle, I could attend college without incurring any debt. Well, outside the physical labor one. I’d worked at Bottle Grounds for the past three years in exchange for tuition. I only had one year left before graduating with my bachelor’s degree in interior design.

I had a clear picture of my future and knew what I wanted out of life: family, fun, and the freedom to be my own person. Growing up and watching a man control my mom taught me never to let anyone have that kind of power over me. Thankfully, my mom had wised up when I was sixteen and left his ass, but the scars had already formed.

So I studied hard, got into a good program, and vowed always to put myself first. Somewhere along the way, that had translated to copious amounts of sex with no strings attached. All the orgasms without the commitment…was there anything better?

I loved my life and had no intention of changing it anytime soon.

And then I locked eyes with Mack Rigsby-Ellis.

Not many things took me by surprise, but boy, oh boy, had Dr. Mack Rigsby-Ellis. I was so here for it.

His dark blond hair swayed in the gentle breeze, a curl dipping onto his forehead that he would immediately brush away. Each time he did it, I had to bite my lip to stop myself from grabbing hold of it and running my fingers through his hair. I loved that it was wild and all over the place. It contradicted his profession and perfectly put-together outfit. It made me question just what else was wild about him.

“Why do I get the impression that you want to eat me when you look at me that way?” he teased.