Page 55 of Caged Heat

“Because I get bored easily, and MMA allows me to challenge myself,” Jackson answered, walking into the room. He walked over to the couch and dropped a kiss on my forehead as he sat on the arm. “I need to leave soon for the dinner. I’ll have August drop me off.”

“No, wait, I’ll go if you have plans,” Mack said, sitting up. “But first, I wanted to apologize to you, Jackson. I jumped to conclusions and said some hateful things. I want to get to know you. The fact you got my mom to try so many crazy things blows my mind.” Mack chuckled, and I shoved him playfully as I grinned. Jackson gave me a loving smile, squeezing my shoulder.

“I’d like that, Mack.”

“Just don’t expect me to call you dad,” Mack deadpanned, and Jackson’s face went white. It was quiet for a second before I snorted, breaking Mack’s glare as he broke out into laughter and Jackson gaped at the two of us for pulling one over on him.

“Oh, it’s on, Mack-a-doodle,” Jackson teased, shutting Mack right up. “I’m gonna be like the big brother you never had and give you Hell. But we can team up to give August shit.”

“I don’t want to think of you as a brother if you’re with my mom; no offense.” He cringed, making an ‘ew’ face as his whole body shuddered. “But I could use a friend.” Mack’s cheeks pinked, and I appreciated his effort despite the awkwardness.

“Deal.” Jackson put his fist out, and they bumped, making my heart melt.

“Don’t think I didn’t hear your plan, kid,” August said as he entered the room, narrowing his eyes at Jackson, who pretended to give a ‘Who me?’ look that no one bought. “Change of plans,” he said, rubbing his hands together as he addressed us.

“What?” I asked, sitting up straighter.

“I called the promoter to reschedule since we had some family stuff, and he suggested a meal with the family instead since his brand is big on that. So, he’s coming here.”

“Here?!” I exclaimed as anxiety crept up. Jumping up, I looked around, hoping the house looked nice. August stepped closer and took my hands, stopping my anxious freakout.

“I called Steph. She’s on her way with steaks, burgers, and some cold beers. I’ll start the grill if you can whip up something to go with it?” he asked, lifting his brow. This was what he did so well; calm me and take charge.

“Yeah. I have some stuff I can throw together.” I smiled at him, love for him blooming in my chest. It was nice having someone to share the load with. He kissed me before dropping my hands and turning to my son.

“Mack, you’re welcome to stay for dinner. I know I’d like the chance to get to know you better too, and maybe if you see us in action, it won’t feel so weird.”

Mack looked between the three of us and swallowed as he nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that. Thank you, August.”

“Now, the question of the evening is, how do you take your steak? Because Jacks likes his so well done, it might as well be leather.” August walked out of the room with Mack, a hand on his shoulder, as they headed into the kitchen.

Jackson snorted, shaking his head as he stood. “It was one time, and I was seventeen!” he shouted after them. He stopped and kissed me softly, staring into my eyes. “You good, speed racer?”

“Yeah. I am. Thank you.”

“Anytime. I love you, Ella Bella.”

I shook my head at his silly name.

“I laid you something out, but now that the event has changed, you might want to wear something different. But keep the undergarments I picked.”

He winked and bit his lip, his eyes heating at whatever he was thinking. Giggling, I shoved him into the kitchen with the guys and walked to the bedroom to change. The sexy outfit on the bed wouldn’t work any longer, so I pulled out a pair of well-loved jeans and a comfortable off-the-shoulder sweater. It would be cool as it got darker, the sun setting earlier each night now that it was fall.

As I hung up the dress, I spotted the sexy underwear Jackson had picked. They were basically sheer with little roses on them. Sliding them on, I felt sexy as I pulled on the basic jeans and sweater, realizing that the power of seduction had always been within me. I just had to find it. Thankfully, my two guys had been helpful in rediscovering that part of myself.

Running my fingers through my hair to fluff it up, I applied my classic lipstick and tucked the wedding ring I’d put on a chain beneath my sweater. I hoped to give it to Mack someday, but until then, I’d keep Chris close to my heart. He’d been the first man I loved, and we’d battled being teen parents together. He wouldn’t be the last man to have my heart, but I’d honor him by keeping him close and knowing how happy he’d be for me and the life I’d created.

It hadn’t always been easy, and in some ways, I hadn’t started to truly live until recently. But it was mine, and I was ready to throw my arms out wide, breaking free from the cage I’d trapped myself in long ago and let go.

Heading out to the others, I heard a knock at the door as I neared, so I detoured and let Steph in. Her arms were laden with bags, so I took some as she talked a mile a minute.

“I can’t believe you’ve never had me over before, Ele. Your house is so cute,” she gushed, shoving the steaks at August when he entered the kitchen. “Here, Uncle Gus-Gus. I expect a fat tip for being your errand girl.”

“Stephie!” Jackson shouted as he spotted her, running and picking her up, swinging her around as she shrieked.

“Put me down, Ajax!”

“Ajax?” I asked, smiling at their camaraderie.