Page 53 of Caged Heat

“I love you, Ella Bella.”

She chuckled, and I cupped her face, staring into her eyes and knowing this was it for me. There would never be another woman who made me feel this way. She added to my life in ways I hadn’t known I needed or that were possible. In addition, having August in my life in a different way was refreshing. We’d always been close, and I worried at first that it would be weird. But our relationship helped make it okay, and I loved having his friendship and support in new ways.

“Let’s clean up and watch the last few matches. The promoter might also seek you out if he sees you around.”

“Sounds good. Though I need another shower.”

The three of us took turns rinsing off and dressing. August even cleaned the couch; his need to keep things tidy, not allowing him to leave it for someone else. I could respect it, though. No one else needed to clean up after our sex-fest.

I felt high on life when I walked with Ella to the fighter’s lounge. A few other fighters nodded as we entered, giving me a look of respect. We found a table and ordered some food and drinks, watching the bigger fights as they came on.

Before the last fight, I saw a couple approaching us, and I sat up straighter, hoping it was the promoter August had heard about. Smiling, I opened my mouth to greet them but stopped when their focus wasn’t on me but on Ella.


As soon as the word was said, Ella’s face dropped as she spun around and took in the two people standing there. I instantly realized this must be Mack, and I straightened, wanting to make a good impression.

“Mack, what are you doing here?” she asked, her eyes darting back and forth.

“I thought that was you, Mrs. Rigsby. I called Mack earlier and told him I saw his mom kissing one of the younger fighters. He didn’t believe me, so he rushed here after his shift,” the petite brunette said, her voice soft and sing-song. She blinked her big doe eyes, attempting to look innocent. Her whole act grated on me, and I instantly went on alert. This was the girl who didn’t like my Ella.

“Is that true, Mom? Are you dating… him?” Mack asked, his voice strained and his eyes hard as he stared at his mom, barely glancing at me.

“I, um, I didn’t want to tell you this way,” Ella started.

“I can see why,” the brunette bitch muttered, smiling like she’d just won the lottery. I watched her instead, noticing how Mack stood apart from her, his body tight. When she saw me looking, she turned her charm on me, trying to entice me, but this little girl had nothing I wanted.

“So you are? You’re dating this fighter? Just how old is he?” he asked, his forehead creasing. Ella’s face had paled, and she seemed frozen.

“Hi, I’m Jackson.” Raising my hand and sticking it out in front of him. I wasn’t going to let him degrade me or Ella. I didn’t care who he was. He looked at my hand, a sneer spreading across his face. “For your information, I’m 28 and have an MBA. I’m the youngest Director of Sales at Calidity and do this for fun. So, before you go giving your mom an attitude about who she’s dating, maybe you should have all the facts.”

Mack’s mouth dropped open, then shut, turning back to his mom. The bitchy girlfriend’s attitude instantly changed, and she moved closer to me, trying to gain my attention even more.

Ella stood up, lifting her chin as she stared at them. There was my warrior queen.

“Yes, I’m dating Jackson. I’m also dating August. The three of us are in a committed relationship. I don’t expect you to understand or approve but know I’m the happiest I’ve been in years. They’re both great men who I think you’d like if you took the time to get to know them instead of listening to whatever Ashley has been saying. And for what it’s worth, I never commented once about your relationship. Not when she degraded me, pushed me away, or stole one of the most important moments of my life to have you all to herself. So I’d appreciate it if you gave me the same courtesy. I love you, Mack, but you don’t get to judge me.”

She kissed him on the cheek, grabbed her bag, and strode off like the badass she was. I glanced at August, and he took off after her, leaving me to clean up duty.

No problem, Papa Bear, I got this.

“Your mom has been killing herself with guilt about how to tell you. So maybe before you judge her, ask yourself when the last time she did something for herself was? I love that woman, and as long as she will have me, I plan to be in her life. It would be great if we could get along, but your opinion of me won’t change how I feel about her.”

I turned to leave, stopping a few feet away, and spun back.

“Oh, and your girlfriend there, is a social climbing parasite. The second she realized I wasn’t just a ‘fighter,’ she air-dropped me her number.” I lifted my phone out of my pocket and flashed him my screen before I hit delete. “Your judgment might be the one to question.”

With that, I turned and stalked out of there. I hoped Ella’s son would come around, but I wouldn’t let him hurt her.



Leaving the arena last night, I was hysterical. I made it to August’s car before the tears fell, but stopping them once they’d started had been difficult.

I’d been so proud of myself for standing up to Mack and Ashley and living my truth. But it still hurt to think my son thought of me as less than, and had judged my life without taking the time to ask me or get to know the guys.

Guilt hit me harder on Sunday as I wallowed, mad at myself for taking away from Jackson’s win, but of course, he wouldn’t let me go there.