My breath froze in my throat, and I stayed perfectly still as I listened. Their words meant nothing to me, but I hated how much vitriol they had for Jackson. It wasn’t a new phenomenon for me, but I doubted he’d ever been slandered this way before.
“I heard that Tom from accounting saw him, Eleanor, and an older man all out together, and they were all over one another. I bet JP’s with the old guy but doesn’t want anyone to know.”
“No way! Gives my hag theory more merit. Imagine all the girls coming out of the woodwork at that news. Say goodbye to your little club and available pussy. No one wants to fuck a poor dude, JP!”
“You’re so bad, Belinda! He’s at least hot. I could pretend long enough to live a life of luxury I was born for.”
“Well, I think you’re going to have to find a new sugar daddy because that one is either into geriatric pussy or dick, and you don’t have either.”
“Fine. Come on; I hear there’s a new hot dance scene to check out. I’ll spread the word to avoid JP’s place. See how he does when no one cares that he used to be some football God and crypto genius.”
The door closed, and the noise dissipated as the two harpies left. I didn’t know how I felt about the gossip they were spreading. It was full of incorrect information and hurtful assumptions. But I didn’t know what the benefit would be of correcting them either. I didn’t know what they meant about Jackson’s club, so I’d need to ask him about that, but everything else seemed trivial at best.
Zipping my pants, I washed my hands in the sink and walked back to my desk as I contemplated everything. It didn’t worry me as much anymore if people learned about us dating. I’d proven myself over the past few months and felt confident in my performance and job role. Not to mention that we’d taken the necessary steps to make our relationship official with the company. Dealing with the other girls would be uncomfortable, but I was willing to navigate that for Jackson. He was worth it.
“What’s on your mind, speed racer?” Jackson whispered, surprising me as I spun around, clutching my heart. He leaned against my cubicle, a mischievous smile on his face as his eyes raked over me.
Collecting myself, I saved the file I’d been working on and grabbed my things. His brow creased as he watched me, realizing I hadn’t said anything. I shook my head and nodded to head out. Jackson followed, walking beside me as we left the building.
Once we were clear of the floor, I leaned close to whisper. “I overheard our two favorite junior associates gossiping in the bathroom. They had lots to say about you and me.”
Jackson snorted, shaking his head. “I don’t care, Ella. They mean nothing to me.”
“Yeah, well, their new theory is that you’re secretly gay, dating August, and I’m your hag. Because there’s no way you’d pass up their young pussy for my, what was it she said… oh yes, ‘geriatric vag.’” Jackson burst into laughter, stopping to clutch his sides as he hooted and hollered, wiping his eyes when he managed to control himself.
“I’m so glad you find my old woman vagina hilarious. I’ll remember that when August is buried deep in me, and you’re not.”
I turned and hurried off, smiling as I heard him running to catch up.
“Ella baby, I didn’t mean it like that. I swear. I was laughing at the concept of me and August, and how they think their pussy is better. Both of those girls have been visited by more dick than a boy’s locker room.”
Snorting, I shook my head but let him take my hand now that we were in the parking lot.
“Did they say anything else?”
“Just something about boycotting your little club. I didn’t know what they meant by that.” I shrugged, opening the door to my car. Jackson tossed his bag into the backseat and slid into the passenger seat. We’d been carpooling most days since we woke up together more times than not, and it seemed dumb to drive two cars to the same place. If the girls were as obsessed with Jackson as they claimed, they’d easily see we were together. We weren’t even trying that hard to hide it anymore.
“So, remember that place we met the first time?” he asked, cringing as he put on his seatbelt.
“Yeah, with the race cars.”
“I’m a silent partner. I spent so much time there that when they needed help, I used some of my obscene amount of money for something good. While I didn’t know anyone knew about that, it’s not surprising they connected the dots. Before you, I was at the bar most nights.” He shrugged, his cheeks red as he glanced at me.
“Aw, my boyfriend’s growing up.”
“Shut up.” He chuckled, placing his hand on my leg. He tugged at the tie, sinking back into the seat. “I’m so glad this week is over. Between meetings and all the extra training August has been pushing, I’m beat.”
“You nervous about tomorrow?” I asked.
“Yes, and no. Don’t hate me. But most things in my life came easy for me. So being nervous is exciting. I like that I’m not guaranteed to win but that I have to work for it. It will come down to skill and endurance. There are nerves, but it isn’t making me want to run away but toward it. I don’t know if that makes sense or not.”
“Yeah, it does. You never cease to amaze me, Jackson.” I stopped at a light and turned to look at him.
He smiled over at me, his hair lying against his forehead. His brown sugar eyes twinkled, and I wondered if I’d ever felt this loved and carefree with Chris. It was hard to imagine it now that I had.
A horn blaring behind us had me jumping as I returned my focus to the road, both of us laughing at getting caught up in one another. The rest of the night went by quickly as August fixed a high-carb dinner for Jackson and ensured we all went to sleep early with no hanky-panky. His words.
After a quick jog and shower the next morning, the three of us loaded up in August’s Impala and drove together to the arena. My eyes widened as I took in the giant structure. The other places had been at gyms similar to Warrior Grounds, with a few bleachers and chairs off to the side of the ring. This place was a proper arena that could accommodate thousands of guests.