Page 46 of Caged Heat

Smiling, I reached up and brought our mouths together. It didn’t matter how many times I’d kissed him; each time felt as special as the last. Falling back onto the bed, I opened my legs as he slipped between them. His body pressed into mine, and I rocked up, feeling him growing hard against me. Letting out a breathy moan, I shrieked when he was suddenly pulled off me.

“Don’t start, Jacks. Your plane leaves in two hours, and your ride will be here in twenty minutes. Finish packing, or I’ll pick your clothes for you, and nothing will match,” August threatened, holding Jackson by the back of his shirt.

“Ah!” Jackson gasped, clutching his chest. “You wouldn’t!”

“What do you think, Nora? Do navy and brown go together? What about purple dots and orange stripes?”

“Heathen!” Jackson shouted, moving out of August’s grip, and rushed over to the closet to look over his suits like they’d magically paired themselves the way August had described. He continued to mutter under his breath about our wardrobe inadequacies as he picked out the two he wanted and zipped them lovingly in the garment bag.

Giggling, I shook my head as August smirked, lifting his eyebrow in a challenge. He pulled me off the bed and sat back down with me in his lap. We’d come over here to help Jackson pack, even though we both knew Jackson was more anal about what he wore than either of us. The man was very particular about his clothing, the brands, and appearance. It was just one of those quirks about him I loved.

Jackson finished zipping his suitcase and glanced up at us, his eyes heating as he took us in on his bed. “I’m really regretting agreeing to this trip. In fact, I think I need my newest marketing associate to accompany me, too.”

“Nope. She’s all mine for two days. You had your chance,” August said, tightening his arms around me. “Besides, when you return, you have a week before the fight. So it’s time to get your head on straight. This is your first big one with the potential to grab the right promoter’s interest.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jackson said, having had this conversation before. When we weren’t naked, a lot of the talk revolved around Jackson’s upcoming fights. He’d had a few small ones since we started dating, but the one next week was the first with a rank attached. From what I understood, from there, he’d be eligible to enter other fights and get on the radar of the top promoters. I wasn’t sure if Jackson was ready to take his fighting career to that level, but I’d support him all the same.

“Give me a kiss, speed racer!” Jackson grinned, opening his arms for me. Standing from the bed, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest for a moment as I breathed him in. I loved how refreshing he smelled; his expensive cologne always made me feel alive… and horny.

Lifting my head, I met his lips in a sultry kiss as our tongues took their time to explore and tangle with one another. It wasn’t rushed or sloppy but a perfect embrace of precise bliss.

“I’ll miss you. Text us when you land, and don’t let any flight attendants slip you their number.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he laughed, kissing my forehead before he stepped away.

“Sure thing. I’ll wear a sign that says I’m taken.”

“Sounds good.”

Grinning, I turned and took August’s hand as we exited Jackson’s bedroom and walked into the living room. August gave him a man hug and back slap before we walked out the door, and Jackson locked it behind us. The car to take him to the airport pulled up as we descended the steps, and I waved goodbye one last time, too worried I’d lose it if I stayed.

A tear fell down my cheek as I slipped into August’s car and quickly wiped it away. He glanced over at me, giving my thigh a squeeze. I appreciated that he didn’t invalidate my feelings or make me feel bad for being upset. August accepted my emotions and let me have them, even if he didn’t understand them.

“Do you need anything from the store?” he asked before backing out.

“No. I don’t think so.”

Chuckling, he nodded as he headed toward his house. I was glad I wouldn’t have to be home alone tonight. Now that I spent most of my evenings with one of them, it was weird to sleep alone. I had clothes at both of their places now, and they both had a drawer at mine and each other’s. It was the kind of domesticated bliss I’d always dreamed of, just not with two men. But I couldn’t deny how perfect we seemed together as a threesome.

“Any updates from Mack?” August asked.

“I think things with Ashley aren’t going so well. He seems more distracted and hasn’t talked about her as much. That or he’s about to propose. Gah. I hope that isn’t it. I’ve tried to like her. It can’t be easy having a boyfriend whose mom is so young, but she hasn’t even tried. She wants him all to herself and would happily cut me out of the picture.”

“How does Mack respond to that?”

“He doesn’t seem to notice sometimes. Or, at least, not in the beginning. Her bamboozling my birthday and graduation lunch might’ve been the first time he actually hesitated, but in the end, he still went with her.”

“Why don’t you say anything?”

I shrugged. “Because I don’t want to be that mom who keeps her son from dating who he wants. I’d rather be in his life and pray that our relationship is strong enough if it ever comes down to it.”

“You going to tell him about us?” he asked, turning into his driveway.

The first time I came to his house, I was shocked that he lived there. It wasn’t new like Jackson’s, but it was homey, sitting off from the road on a few acres. August had a pole barn in the back where one side had been converted into a personal gym with a makeshift ring and the other a bay where he changed his oil and worked on his vehicles when needed. I’d learned he had a vintage pickup truck and motorcycle as well, which he liked to play around with.

Once I’d gotten to know August more, I’d discovered so many things about the quiet man—who wasn’t quiet once he opened up to you—that intrigued and captivated me; like his love of cooking, stargazing, and camping. August had a way of life about him that invited you to slow down and enjoy the things around you, whereas Jackson thrived off the new and exciting. I didn’t think it had anything to do with their ages but who they were. And thankfully, I got to enjoy both lifestyles with them.

August turned to me when I didn’t answer; my thoughts having run away from me.

“I will. He knows I’m dating. I just haven’t been open about it being two men. As silly as it sounds, I don’t want my son to think bad about me.”