Page 43 of Caged Heat

“Is that true, ma’am?”

I nodded, meeting the security officer’s eyes. “Yes. He barged in and grabbed me. I, uh, kicked him in the balls,” I stuttered.

Both Jackson and the guard cringed but then gave me looks of pride.

“Well done. Do you want to file a complaint?” he asked.

“No. I just want to go. He scared me more than anything. As long as he’s not able to hurt anyone else, I’m good,” I said, some of my confidence returning at their praise.

“Alright, miss. We’ll handle it.”

“If he looks like he has a black eye, I’m sure he just ran into the wall,” Jackson offered as the guard turned to leave. The man snickered, shaking his head, and nodded he understood.

“Jesus Fuck, Ella. I’ve never been so scared in my life. Are you sure you’re okay?” His eyes swept over me, cataloging every little thing.

“Yeah.” I nodded, licking my lips and trying to wet my throat. “I just want to leave. I was headed out before it happened, anyway.”

“Okay. We’ll go once August is here.” His hands ran up my arms, soothing me with his touch.

“You’re together?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I tried to understand it.

“Yeah. We came to win you back.”

“You did? How?” I asked, a million things racing through my mind as happiness filled me.

“We both care for you, speed racer. So, we found a way to make it work. We’ll explain more once August is here. Do you need to tell anyone bye or anything?”

“Um, just my coat,” I mumbled in a daze.

Jackson took my hand, our fingers locking together so naturally, it was like no time had passed. People moved out of the way, making our trek to the coat check quick. Pulling out the number, I handed it over, took my long coat, and wrapped it around me like a protective blanket.

“How are you just as sexy with that on as you were without?” Jackson pondered, his eyes drinking me in.

“We good?” August asked as he stomped up to us.

“Yep,” Jackson sang, smiling wider than I thought possible for the situation.

“My turn,” August said, the only warning I got before he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me into his arms bridal style.

“Why didn’t I think of that?” Jackson sighed, pouting as August carried me out of the club.

The whole thing struck me as comical, and a laugh bubbled out of me uncontrollably.

“I think you broke her,” Jackson whispered, the night air hitting my face as we exited.

“No. She’s in shock. Here, you drive.” August stopped and pulled something out of his pocket to toss to Jackson. I kept giggling, wiping the tears from my eyes as I watched. Jackson’s eyes lit up as he stared at what I realized were the keys to the Impala.

“This is the greatest day of my life,” he wheezed, clutching the keys to his chest, wiping a tear from his eye. “I get my girl back, and I get to drive the beast.”

“Don’t call her that.”

“That’s right. She’s beauty; you’re the beast,” Jackson teased, opening the door and pushing the seat forward. My laughter had slowed, real tears streaming down my cheeks as August climbed into the backseat with me in his arms.

“Shh, baby. We got you.”

“I was so scared,” I admitted. “Then everything you taught me came to me, and I kicked him.”

“I’m so proud of you, Nora.” August soothed me, petting my hair as he rocked me against his chest. Eventually, the tears dried, and only a few hiccups remained as the quiet seeped in. When the car stopped in front of my house, I blinked a few times, hoping this was real.