“Does it bother you to think about us both being with her?” I asked, moving over to the water bottle.
Jackson took a deep breath, then a drink of water before he responded. “I feel like I should say yes, that it does. When I first heard her say your name, panic gripped me, and it was more shock than anything that had plagued me. Having a week to think about it after watching her every day at work and being unable to touch her… well, I must admit that it doesn’t. And that freaks me out a little.”
“Why?” I asked, curious.
“Because it’s not normal. It’s not what I’m supposed to feel. I dunno.” He threw his hands up.
I lifted a brow. “Do you have feelings for me that way?” I asked.
“You wish, old man,” he teased.
Smacking his shoulder, I glared at him for calling me old. “It doesn’t bother me either. You’re my best friend in a lot of ways, Jacks.”
“Aww. I think I’m going to tear up.” He clutched his heart but then sobered as he exhaled. “Likewise, old man.”
“I swear you and Steph team up to drive me crazy.”
“If it’s not attraction on either of our parts, then what is it? I can’t deny I’m curious about what both of us being with her would be like.” Jackson’s cheeks heated, but I was proud of him for admitting something uncomfortable.
“I was getting stuck on the fact it’s you, as well. But Steph pointed out that if I was willing to entertain the idea of sharing with a stranger, it should be easier with someone I already know. Especially for long-term plans. If you care about her as much as I think you do, and if us both being with her isn’t an issue, then I think it’s time we worked together to win back our girl.”
“Our girl. I like how that sounds. So, what do we do?”
“First, we need to stop her from meeting anyone tonight at this club. You in?”
“Name the place, and I’ll be there.”
Jackson and I finished our sparring, going through the routine for his match in a month. We hatched out a plan between sets and discussed what we were both comfortable with in the relationship. It turned out neither of us had too many issues once we talked about it, and could accept the other in Eleanor’s life.
Leaving an hour later, we headed to our respective homes to shower and change, with plans to meet at my house before driving to BENT. It was time to bring Nora home.
Music blared around me, the thump-thump of the bass matching the headache pounding against my skull. I regretted agreeing to come out tonight, but after a week of moping and isolating myself, it seemed like a good idea.
“Drinks!” Steph cheered as she set a tray on our table and took her seat. She handed them out to the other girls clustered around, giving me mine and a shot glass last.
“I didn’t order a shot,” I argued, waving it off.
“The cute guy over there did.” She pointed to a guy standing at the bar and staring in our direction. He smiled when he noticed our glances, lifting his glass in a cheers motion. I waved, attempting to keep the grimace off my face.
He was good-looking with dark brown hair cut short, kind eyes, and a light stubble across his jaw. Dressed like all the other guys in a button-down shirt, rolled sleeves, and fitted jeans. He was probably in his thirties and appeared to work out, his body in good shape from what I could tell from here. All the information together indicated that he was attractive, but nothing within me noticed.
No butterflies. No skipped heartbeats. No electricity or fire sparking to life.
I was as dead inside as I had been since the two men I’d been falling in love with had left my home last week. The only movement I got as I stared at the guy was the rolling of a tumbleweed as it moved across my ovaries. My vagina was drier than the Sahara, and the only oasis it would accept was off-limits.
Between seeing Jackson every day at work and finding August outside my house every night, I couldn’t move on as successfully as I’d wished.
Hence my desperation and willingness to accept Steph’s offer to go shopping last night and out tonight. While the shopping had been fun, I couldn’t push away the two men I kept wishing I could show my new outfits to.
“You got it bad, girl. Why don’t you talk to them?” Steph asked, taking a sip of her drink.
“Huh?” I asked, blinking.
“August and Jackson. Talk to them.”