“Who? What?” I stuttered, my face turning red as I shuffled my feet.
“Mmhmm. You’ve been in there all morning, pouting like a teen with their first crush. I also happened to find the fraternization policy on the printer. I might be old, but I can put two and two together, Jackson.”
Deanna was also the only other person in this god-forsaken company to call me by my full name. Everyone else used that stupid nickname from my football days that I’d been trying to lose since I quit playing. But no one else seemed to listen, or perhaps they didn’t want to see me as a successful businessman but as the hotshot football star instead. It was easier to demean and underestimate the football God.
Sighing, I rubbed the back of my neck and peered around to see if anyone else was nearby. When it didn’t appear there were any listening ears, I sat on the edge of her desk and leaned forward.
“I met someone. She’s older and sophisticated, and I can’t quit thinking about her. She surprises me and makes me feel like I’m more than just JP.”
“So, why are you pouting?”
“She’s not answering my messages or calls. Not after I walked into the department meeting yesterday, and there she was…” I trailed off, letting out a defeated sigh.
“Ah. The new marketing rep. You know the girls hate her because they feel entitled to her position?”
I scoffed, shaking my head. It didn’t surprise me, but I’d told Laurel I would take all my accounts and leave if she gave it to either of the two junior reps. There was no way I’d work with them that closely on projects. It was bad enough to deal with them in the small quantities I had to already. Thankfully, Laurel had agreed and said there was a new graduate, highly recommended by the professor at Northridge University, that she wanted to interview.
I still couldn’t believe the odds that it was my Ella. But there was a part of me that also wasn’t surprised. She was brilliant and magnetic. Of course, she would impress others as well.
“You really like her,” Deanna said, eyeing me.
“Yeah. I do.” I couldn’t contain the smile that spread across my face even if I’d tried. Thinking of Ella made me happy, and I wasn’t ready to stop fighting for us yet.
“Then I’ll help you out,” Deanna said after a few quiet seconds. She leaned forward on her computer and typed in something before picking up a Post-it note and scribbling a diagram. “You’ll find her here.”
Taking the note, I grabbed her face and kissed her cheek. “Deanna, buy yourself something pretty!” I hollered as I raced out the door.
A few other people stared further down the hall, but I was too giddy to care. My expensive leather shoes slapped against the stairs as I raced down them. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, the excitement I hadn’t felt in twenty-four hours filling me again as I raced out the north wing of the building.
The sun shone brightly as I exited out of the side of the building, and I squinted as I peered down at the Post-it. Deanna had drawn a map with an X. The fact she’d given me a treasure map to find Ella didn’t go unnoticed—she was the ultimate treasure.
Flowers along the path were in full bloom, their floral fragrance filling the space as I continued down the trail. I hadn’t been to this side of the building in years. It was peaceful, and I knew immediately why Ella had been drawn to it. When I came to a fork in the sidewalk, I glanced around as I tried to figure out the crude map. Checking my watch, I knew I only had a few more minutes to find Ella according to the time frame on the note.
Taking a gamble, I hurried down the left side of the path, hoping my hunch that she’d be closer to the lake in the back paid off. The ivy-covered nook came into view a minute later, and I slowed my steps, nerves fluttering up from my stomach at being this close. When her voice floated over to me, I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath. Everything seemed brighter, fuller, and more alive now that she was within my proximity.
“Yeah, last night was surprising. I’m glad you asked me out.” She giggled, and my cock woke up at the sound. I didn’t particularly like the sound of her conversation, but I wouldn’t let it deter me.
“Mmhmm. Tomorrow night? Yeah, I’m free. You’re going to cook for me? Wow. I haven’t had a meal I didn’t prepare in ages. It sounds lovely. Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.”
Filling away the information, I pasted on my best charming smile and made myself known. The instant my eyes landed on her, my whole body relaxed. Today she wore long slacks and a sleeveless shirt, showcasing her beautiful shoulders. Whoa! I’d never thought a woman’s shoulders were beautiful before, but Ella’s were.
She glanced up, her eyes widening as she spotted me. “Jackson! What…” She cleared her throat. “What are you doing here?” she asked, crossing her legs and folding her hands in her lap.
I leaned against the ivy-covered trellis and shoved my hands into my pockets and crossed one ankle over the other as I effectively blocked her way out. I wouldn’t let her escape until she talked to me.
“Funny thing, speed racer. I work here.” I smirked, my eyes shining with mirth as I stared at her.
Ella swallowed, nodding as she smoothed a piece of hair behind her ear. “Yes. Right.” She gave an awkward chuckle.
“Based on how you’ve been avoiding me, I’m guessing that’s a dealbreaker for you?”
Her face fell, and she stared down at her hands. “I like you, Jackson, but I don’t want to be seen as the woman who got where she is because of who she’s sleeping with.” She sucked in a breath, her voice hitching and hurting my heart. “I’m sorry.”
Instantly I sprang from the wall and kneeled down in front of her, taking her hands into mine. “Hey, Ella baby, look at me, please.”
She glanced at me from under her eyelashes, tears clinging to them. Moving to the bench, I cupped her cheek and wiped them away before they could touch her cheek.
“At least you’re not avoiding me because you don’t want to see me. I’ve never been ghosted before, and it was making me go insane. Thankfully, my assistant took pity on me and helped me find you. She’s a fan of yours, by the way.”