“I have her check. You can send her back.”
“Mmhmm. Sure thing, Uncle Gus-Gus!”
“I’m docking your pay!” I yelled as she cackled all the way down the hall.
Huffing, I quickly flattened my hair and picked up my pen, pretending to stare at something on my desk as I waited for her to enter. My heart raced as my mind blanked; something that often happened in her presence. Thankfully, I wasn’t known for my conversational skills, so I could typically get away with grunts and one-word answers.
Now that I knew she was here everything came into sharp focus, the world making sense once again. I knew this was my moment. I might not get another chance since there was no guarantee she’d ever return to this bar now that she was free of it. Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly, attempting to slow my heart so I could get out the words I needed to.
Avoiding love hadn’t worked for me all these years, so maybe it was time to give it a chance.
A short knock sounded on the door, and I jumped, the sound ricocheting around my skull like a bullet. I took a few extra seconds to collect myself as I pretended to read something before glancing up.
That was a mistake.
Nora stood in front of me dressed in a skirt that hugged her thighs in a way her clothes never had before. My tongue went dry as I stared, trying to piece the vision of the woman in front of me with the one I’d seen almost every day for ten years. Traveling up, my eyes drank in the brightly colored top she wore that showed off her svelte arms.
“Nora,” I said, my voice coming out gravelly and deep.
“Hey, August.” She smiled, her cheeks turning pink as she stared at me. Her blue-gray eyes swirled with something I couldn’t identify. When she didn’t move, I realized she was waiting for me. Motioning to the chair in front of my desk, I collected each movement for later as she sauntered forward and lowered herself into the chair, crossing one leg over the other. Swallowing, I drew my eyes up and stared again, my mind blanking with her this close to me. Her sweet perfume wafted over me, making me delirious.
“You look good,” I grunted, thankful my beard covered most of my cheeks as they heated.
“Oh. Thank you.” She moved her hand over her hair, her cheeks becoming more rosy by the second. That small action gave me confidence, and I settled back into my chair. “I’m not used to dressing up for work. I much prefer jeans and tennis shoes.”
“How was it? You started today, correct?” I asked. I secretly hoped she hated it, but I also wanted her to do well. It was a battle I fought within—the need to know everything about her and wish her the best success, but the desire to always keep her close to me.
“It was. And it was okay. Different.” She was leaving something out, and I didn’t know what.
“Hmm. That sounds suspiciously like something happened.”
She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and pushing her breasts higher as she stared off to the side.
“I just didn’t realize fitting in would be so hard. I guess I expected to be accepted once I had the degree. Instead, I’m still on the outside because I’m older than the other girls in my position. And then…” She shook her head, stopping herself as she turned back. “It doesn’t matter.”
“I heard you went on a date,” I blurted before I could stop myself.
Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape, and if I wasn’t mistaken, her cheeks heated even more. Why did I like that so much?
Because you’re a pervert and you want to see what else of her will turn that pretty shade of pink, I admonished myself.
“How was it?”
“Oh, it was good.” She stared, her eyes a little panicked as she held my eyes.
“You know, I always assumed when you were ready to date that I would be the one you asked.”
My whole body heated as embarrassment flooded me, but there was no turning back now. I’d lived fifty-two years avoiding relationships; it was time to try something different. And at least if she denied me, I wouldn’t have to see her every day.
“You did?” she gasped. “I… I never knew.” Her eyes fell down to her lap as she twisted her hands. She peeked back up, her eyes searching mine from beneath her lashes. “Why didn’t you ever ask?”
“I didn’t want to cross the lines.”
“Was that all?”
I blew out a breath. “You never seemed to notice my poor flirting skills, and despite being older, I’m still vulnerable to rejection.”
“You thought I’d say no?”