Page 17 of Caged Heat

I might doubt myself, but I wouldn’t let the likes of Kathy do it. I’d figure it out even if I had to work overtime until I understood it. One didn’t raise a child and send them to medical school all on their own without finding creative solutions to get things accomplished.

“Well. That’s the end of the tour.” She clapped her hands, eyeing me from top to bottom. “You can take your lunch now. There’s a staff meeting promptly at 1 pm. The Director of Sales is in today and is announcing his next project. He’ll be selecting a marketing rep to work closely with him on the account. Not that you’ll be chosen, but it will be good for you to learn how things are run around here.”

The way she said ‘closely’ gave me the impression it was a coveted thing, and the slight tilt of her nose and chin told me she believed she’d be selected. I didn’t miss the underlying message that things worked a certain way and I wasn’t included in them. It was clear I was expected to fall in line and get with the program.

Yeah. Fat chance of that, honey. You can call me old all you want, but it wouldn’t make me any less motivated to kick your butt with my uncomfortable and impractical shoes.

A group of girls dressed similarly to Kathy exited the office floor, sniggering and gossiping as they headed our way. When they spotted Kathy, their shrieks grew louder, like they hadn’t seen her in years and not hours, as they peppered her with questions; completely ignoring my presence.

“Kathy! We grabbed your lunch.”

“Are you done with the tour?”

“Just how old is she?”

Kathy cleared her throat, casting her eyes in my direction before answering them. Their snickers stopped abruptly, but none of them appeared embarrassed or ashamed of being overheard.

Rolling my eyes, I excused myself. I didn’t need to be subject to their bullying. One point to being older. I simply didn’t care what they thought of me. Yeah, it would be nice to have some friendly faces at work, but I wasn’t here to make friends. I was here to do a job and better my life. One didn’t need friends to do that.

Making my way through the maze of cubicles, I miraculously found my way back to the one I’d been assigned earlier in the day. I immediately kicked off my heels, pulled out the more sensible flats with the orthopedic soles, and slid them on. Ah, sweet relief.

Grabbing my purse and sack lunch out of my bottom desk drawer, I decided to take my lunch outside. I’d seen a cute little area earlier that had been in the shade, surrounded by flowers, and best of all, free of mean girls. Walking there, I let myself feel the twinge of pain between my legs I’d been trying to ignore all day.

Wow. I’d never felt sore from sex before. Sadly, it didn’t make me crave it any less. If anything, I wanted more. Lots more.

Great. I finally have sex, and now I’ve become a nymphomaniac.

The sun greeted me as I stepped outside, and I pushed the thoughts away like I’d been doing since I left him last night. Leaning against the wall, I kicked my feet up on the bench and crossed my ankles over one another as I closed my eyes, soaking in the sun.

The moment I closed my eyes, flashes of Jackson and everything I’d been ignoring flooded me. All the memories of how reverently and meticulously he’d worshiped my body returned. My heart rate sped up, and I sucked in a breath. My phone felt heavy in my pocket, the app I’d been avoiding calling out to me.

Taking a bite of my turkey sandwich, I pulled it out and opened it up. Jackson’s profile popped up instantly, a string of messages following.

Jackson: Ella, where did you go?

Jackson: Come back, speed racer.

Jackson: Did I do something?

Jackson: Talk to me, Ella.

Jackson: I’m not sure what happened, but I’m not backing down.

Jackson: Not unless you tell me to. I won’t stalk you or anything.

Jackson: Though, I’d be willing to for you. I just don’t want a restraining order.

Jackson: Delete that. Disregard.

Jackson: Ella… Ella… Ella

Jackson: I can still smell you on me. You’re the best high I’ve ever had, speed racer.

Jackson: My bed feels empty without you, Ella

Jackson: Good night, sweet Ella.

Jackson: Good morning, beautiful Ella.