Page 12 of Caged Heat

I glanced between the two, realizing there was something unspoken happening, but too exhilarated to focus on it.

“Let’s go have that drink I owe you, speed racer,” he purred, drawing my attention back to him. Nodding, I followed him back into the pavilion, where we returned the helmets and stripped out of the overalls. I smoothed down the skirt of my dress that had ridden up, catching Jackson’s gaze on my legs when I finished. Feeling emboldened, I sat on the bleachers and crossed my leg as I removed the borrowed shoes and slipped my feet back into the strappy heels. Buckling the clasp, I felt a zing of arousal as Jackson watched me, completely engrossed with the simple action.

Standing slowly, I tracked his eyes with each little movement I made. There was power in that, and I liked it. It had been a long time since I’d felt so wanted, and it was making me bolder than I usually was.

“You ready?” I asked, my voice lower than I intended. Jackson’s head snapped up and swallowed as he gathered himself like he’d been unaware he’d been in a daze.

“More than you know.” Jackson took my hand, his fingers sliding against mine in a caress. We walked out together, my feet feeling like we were walking on clouds. The buzz of the race swirled around me, increasing the boldness his heated looks had given me.

Stepping through the bar’s back door, it took me a few seconds to acclimate as I blinked at the darkness. Jackson pulled me through the crowd, sliding into a rounded booth in the back. Everywhere else was packed, making me curious how he got this booth, but a waiter appeared before I could ponder it too long.

“What’s up, JP?”

“Not too much. When does the band come on?” he asked.

“In a few minutes. You’re just in time. What can I get you two?”

Jackson turned to me, and I gulped, forgetting I was meant to pick a drink. “Can you make a Moscow Mule?” I asked, choosing the first thing that popped into my head.

“Sure can.” The waiter wrote it down, glancing back up.

“Make it two and bring out the sampler,” Jackson added, dismissing the waiter as he turned to me.

“You come here often?” I asked when his gaze became too much.

“More than I like to admit.” He cringed, his cheeks heating.

“Everyone calls you JP.”

“Everyone but you.” His brown eyes heated, everything he didn’t say coming through. When I couldn’t bear the silence, I blurted out the first question that popped into my mind.

“What do you do, Jackson, when you’re not wooing women and racing cars?” I smiled, hoping he understood I wasn’t judging, just curious.

He blew out a breath, turning his head to the front as a band filed onto the small stage. “That’s a loaded question. I have one of those jobs where I’m good at it, but it’s not the most glamorous. I’ve gotten to a good place in the company and have a competent team under me now. While I know I’m very blessed, most days I’m bored.”

He shrugged, his gaze staying on the stage. I knew there was something more there, but it didn’t feel like something I should pry into on a first date. He turned his head, his arm going around the back of the booth.

“What about you?”

“Oh, well. This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but I graduated college today.”

His eyes lit up. “Shut the fuck up? Are you serious?” he asked, delight and respect lighting up his face.

I nodded. “Yeah. And it’s also my 40th birthday.” I blushed, not having meant to spill that.

“That’s it. We’re celebrating.” He lifted his hand to wave someone over.

“No. It’s fine. This has been the best birthday I’ve had in a long time. Please don’t do anything else.”

He dropped his arm, glancing at me. “Are you sure? I believe birthdays and accomplishments should be celebrated and shouted from the rooftop.”

“I’m sure. This is more than I’ve ever done, and it’s about all I can handle right now.”

“Okay. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I know I can be a lot.”

“No. It’s not you. You’ve been the best part of it,” I admitted before I realized what I was saying.

“Yeah?” he leaned closer, brushing back a piece of hair. His thumb grazed my cheek, and my eyes fluttered.