Page 11 of Caged Heat

“Sign these, and they’re ready for you,” the cashier interjected as she returned, sliding two pieces of paper across the counter. I suddenly wished she’d disappear so I knew what he was going to say.

Jackson winked and placed a peck on my cheek before dropping my arms and leaning on the counter to sign the paper. My body froze from that small act, my hormones going haywire as I tried to process the tiny bit of affection. Had I really been so starved that a small peck was undoing me? Apparently so.

Slowing my heart, I turned and took the pen Jackson held out to me, barely glancing at the paper before I signed my name. I let Jackson lead me in a daze as he followed the girl to wherever we were meant to go. The sound of the engines grew louder as we neared, my body buzzing and coming back online as we entered a pavilion.

One wall was covered in helmets, and the other held gray, black, and pink jumpsuits. My head swiveled back and forth as I tracked everything, trying to soak it in. A man stood at the front with his muscular arms crossed, a broad grin spreading as we approached.

“JP! It’s been a while since you’ve been in. I was starting to believe you’d gone boring,” he teased.

“Just giving you time to recover from the last time I beat your ass, Eric,” Jackson chided, doing some type of hand-slap shake with the other man. The guy laughed and then noticed me, his eyes widening. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was a woman in general or if he was shocked that someone my age was with Jackson.

“It’s Ella’s first time. I promised her you’d go through the safety spiel and test-drive until she was comfortable.”

“Ahh, a K1 virgin. You’ve come to the right place!” He rubbed his hands together, excitement brimming in his eyes.

Over the next thirty minutes, Jackson and Eric went through the safety protocols until I could recite them back and forth. Then they spent time pointing out all the parts of the car and how it worked. By the time I donned the safety jumpsuit, a spare pair of shoes, and a helmet, I felt more confident driving this car than I did my own.

“You feel ready?” Jackson asked, standing beside his red car with his helmet under his arm. I didn’t know how it was possible, but he looked even sexier standing there in a black coverall than when I first saw him.

“Mmhmm. I’m ready.” My cheeks heated, visions I’d only read about in books playing across my mind.

Jackson smiled, sauntering over like he had all the time in the world, and pushed my visor down.

“Let’s do this then, hot stuff. Winner gets bragging rights and a drink of their choice.”

“There’s a reward?” I asked, my pulse spiking even more. I didn’t care what it was, but the idea of a challenge always excited me more than the actual task.

“Oh, there’s a reward, sweet Ella.” He smirked before pulling on his helmet and tugging the visor down. That little burst of sex appeal had my body buzzing as I climbed into the car and secured the three-point belt. Eric came over and checked, giving me a pat on the helmet and a thumbs up when I passed the safety inspection.

Pushing the button to start, the engine’s rumble settled into my bones as every part of me vibrated. Taking a deep breath, I released the brake, shifted the car into drive, and pulled around to the track starting line. Jackson’s car rumbled up next to mine a moment later, his head turning and nodding. A sign in front of us counted down from ten as I gripped the steering wheel.

When it got to five, the muscles in my legs tensed as I prepared to release the brake, my focus zeroing in on all the steps in my head. At two seconds, I exhaled and lifted my foot from the brake, slamming it on the gas as it hit zero. My car bolted forward, and a jolt of adrenaline raced up my spine as the car took off.

Concentrating on the movements, I steered the car around the bend and kept my gaze focused in front of me. I didn’t know where Jackson was since the course split into two directions, but I liked it better, as I focused on what I was doing instead of who was behind me. My whole body buzzed as one with the car, feeling every little shift and tilt as I drove. I’d never driven like this before, for the sole purpose of fun. It was exciting in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

The course whipped by as I continued to drift on the corners and gun it on the straightaways. I saw a spot of red once when I climbed up the hill to the second level, but it was gone before I could focus too much on it. My heart pounded in my chest as I neared the end, and a smile spread wide across my face at the pure sensation of driving this free. I could understand why Jackson liked this. I felt powerful inside this car.

Turning around the last bend, Jackson’s car came into view as we approached the finish line. His head turned toward me, and I could almost picture the megawatt smile behind the visor. Shifting the car into one more gear, I put everything I had into the last few feet as we crossed the finish line.

Letting off the gas, I coasted as the car slowed until it came to a stop. My heart pounded in my chest; the blood pumping through me had me wanting to run a marathon or cliff dive. Happiness flowed through me, a giddy sense of euphoria and childlike wonder filling me up as I relished the fact I’d just done that.

Hands touched me, jolting me out of my state of bliss. Jackson smiled above me, his mouth moving, but I couldn’t understand what he said. Reaching up, I pulled off my helmet, and the world returned to focus as sound penetrated my eardrums.

“That was amazing, Ella. Did you have fun?” Jackson asked in a rush, reaching down to unhook my safety belt and lifting me out of the car.

I’d like to say I didn’t swoon a little as he did it, but I’d be lying. I majorly swooned into his arms, my breath rushing out of me like a 1960s leading lady.

Jackson’s eyes heated, his lids drooping slightly as he held me in his arms, our bodies pressed against one another.

“It was incredible,” I whispered, my voice low and husky as I stared into his eyes.

“Yeah. It was,” he agreed, his tongue peeking out to lick his lips. My eyes followed the movement, my own wanting to tangle with his.

“Excellent race, you two!” Eric shouted, walking closer. “It was a close finish, but Jackson?—”

“She won,” he blurted, cutting off Eric. His head snapped up, his eyes narrowing at the man.

“Yup. She won,” Eric replied with a chuckle.